Chapter 37: Just A Name

Start from the beginning

           "N-No.. No…" Jimin spoke slightly into a whimper as Jungkook's hand slowly began to release Jimin's and then, Jungkook decided to get up right after. "Jungkook… I never said anything to him…"

           "Hm… Don't stress about it, My Swan. Afterall, it's just a name…. Make sure you're ready for another mission tomorrow. This time, I'll join in with you. You don't have to lead them anymore." Jungkook added and slipped on his underwear before picking up his pants and belt. Walking to the office door to leave. "Come shower with me, I won't see you until tomorrow." Jungkook mentioned. Knowing well that Jimin would have work and wouldn't have it in him to see Jungkook at night. Jimin stood up as he fixed the laced underwear over his cock and covered himself as he walked with Jungkook.

       Jimin was silent with Jungkook; he felt nervous just knowing that Jungkook didn't seem to stress about the fact that Mr. Yoshida knew his name. But of course, Jimin was more scared of the fact that Jungkook was almost too silent about it. "Jungkookie…" Jimin whispered as he stood at the bathroom in Jungkook's room. Waiting for Jungkook to come back and untie the crossed strands on the lingerie to take it off completely. "You aren't… thinking of hurting Mr. Yoshida… Right?" Jimin questioned and sat over the closed toilet lid to take off the fishnet stockings one by one.

      "Why do you care about what I do with Mr. Yoshida? Do you care about him so much to the point where you don't want him to get hurt?" Jungkook suddenly asked as he slowly approached Jimin from the bedroom to the bathroom. As Jungkook stepped into the bathroom, he dropped his hand onto the doorway and guided his devilish gaze down to Jimin. Yet, this was more of a glare than any other innocent and teasing stare. "Is there something you should tell me?"

        "The only thing you need to know is our promise. Don't you remember? What's wrong with my Jungkookie?" Jimin whispered and stood up once he successfully removed the fishnet stockings. By there, Jimin hooked his arms over Jungkook's shoulders and then locked around his neck to pull his lover close. "Hey… don't hurt anyone no matter how bad they must be… I don't want you to get into any trouble."

         Jungkook was silent. He seemed angry as he dropped his hands down to run his hands along Jimin's waist. Holding Jimin closer before raising his hands just to untie the silk tie from the lingerie. "I remember…" Jungkook answered and that was all. The lingerie Jimin wore finally fell onto the ground as Jungkook hugged Jimin close. Kissing his neck as he held him close. "But you only told me not to kill… not beat someone up…"

        "Don't hurt anyone. Do it for my sake." Jimin carefully whispered and embraced the many kisses he was given against his skin. As Jimin was swept away in the moment, he noticed Jungkook let out a soft chuckle before he moved his lips to Jimin's ear carefully as his hands slid underneath the laced underwear Jimin wore. Jungkook glued his hands against the sides of Jimin's hips before he pulled him close to whisper to his ear.

        "You don't know what I'm really like… So, just pretend you don't know a thing about this situation and that Yoshida guy… Will be nothing but a memory. Promise or not, if that man knows my name, he knows more to me." Jungkook concluded. Walking forward to reach the shower as Jimin kept looking at his lover and placing his hand over his arm so nervously. Jimin couldn't understand what he heard and was too worried to ask! Jimin looked down as he sat over the toilet lid once more, just wearing his laced underwear in silence before Jungkook looked back and cracked a smile.

        The younger still wore his underwear and before he could take it off to take a shower, he stopped and walked back to Jimin and crouched before him and pressed his head against Jimin's lap carefully. "My Swan… I just want to protect you… I can do that right?" Jungkook whispered. Making a pout and suddenly began to tear up as his hands carefully caressed Jimin's thighs just underneath his own hands. "I want to protect my baby… From all of those who could hurt you, Jimin. I'm not a bad man…" Jimin listened to Jungkook cry over his thighs and all Jimin did was believe him. Jimin sighed and fixed his hands over Jungkook's hair to softly caress him gently. "Jimin… Park Jimin… I love you so much…"

         "I love you too, Jungkook. Even if we say that a lot, it feels nice just hearing that, doesn't it?" Jimin changed the conversation and let out a giggle. Causing Jungkook to smile over Jimin's thighs. Yet, those tears just didn't seem real to Jimin. He knew this was the dark side to Jungkook and faking tears was something Jungkook could do easily. The only thing that would strip the young man down and make him tear up was only the thought of losing his Jimin. In which, he hasn't faced and that only left Jungkook happy. Knowing that Jimin only fed his heart and glee. Losing Park Jimin altogether would finally break the man down into tears.

       After the shower, Jungkook and Jimin walked out of the house together and kissed once more before reaching their cars before separating for the day. However, far out of the lawn, was a wide bush and a tree as well in an empty lot to a house that was for sale nearby. "Boss… They are now leaving the house… They are together." Spoke a deep voice into a phone as he wore a pair of binoculars to spy at Jungkook and Jimin as they left.

       Unexpectedly, the familiar man took off the binoculars and got on his knees as soon as the cars drove off from the driveway. There, Taehyung stood watching the cars become distant until there was no sign of them now. "Taehyung, are you telling me Jimin stayed the night with him?" A man spoke from the other side of the line as Taehyung almost fretted to reply.

       "Yes, Mr. Yoshida… They are together. They kissed before getting into separate cars and driving off. Jimin must have slept with Jungkook as well. It's no secret that they are an unbreakable couple, Boss." Taehyung mentioned and pressed his back against the tree.

        "I knew Jimin was involved with that brat… I knew it. I brought up his name as a guess and Jimin was stupid enough to react and that gave it away. Now I know that Jungkook is still around… hm?" Seung-Woo spoke to Taehyung and let out a scoff. "How pitiful… I thought the death of his brother would have kicked him off but here he is..."

        "But Boss-" As silence filled Taehyung's ears, the younger gulped and felt guilty. He knew Jimin was all his boss wanted, but for what? It was obvious that one glance at a club didn't seem to buy the story Taehyung has heard before. Only now, Taehyung understood that Jimin meant so much more to Seung-Woo. "I've worked here for far too long… Can I take the day off?" Taehyung wondered and awaited his boss' response. Worrying for Jimin terribly.

         "Before you go. I want you to pass by me and pick something up for my Jimin. You will give him a visit and only then… you will tell him these words. Listen well because I won't repeat myself… Follow these word for word." Instructed Mr. Yoshida as Taehyung hummed to accept these words from his Boss alone.

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