16. But

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"Morning mr min"

And in he came, the tall gentle gigant who sprung through the door.
Jimin wasnt sure why he hadn't fired him yet, now that he thought they were friends he could just do something so crule.
But he wasnt sure if he wanted to.

"Oh well, you seem to be in a good mood"

Jimin sighed as he leant his head aside, his hair tangled with the palms of his hands as he kept his eyes on the book.
Unfortunetly he was gradually getting use to Taehyung being by his side, maybe because so far he was the only person who lasted this long by Jimins side.
But the smaller didn't really like his careless and ruthless personality, that was defenatky the one thing he wasn't going to get use to.

"Not really just a normal day" Taehyung smile, his eyes set on the smaller whos full attention was on his writing.
But not today, Taehyung hummed as he walked over before slowly closing the book as he crouched down so that his head was parallel to Jimin's, he just loved the way the smaller glared at him so heartlessly.

"What is it?"

"Well ive planned...well i think it would be good for you to... you know come outside for a bit so how about it? Its really nice weather a-"


Jimin interupted as he rolled his eyes to the side, cutting into Taehyungs words before opening the book once again.
"Im not sure if you have forgotten, but im not able to walk am i"

"I never said you would have to walk... ill carry you" Taehyung insisted only to recieve a sigh from Jimin as he glanced up tiresomly before mumbling impossible beneath his breath.
He knew that the other would become stubborn the more comfortable he got with Jimin, but he didn't expect it to happen this quickly.

"Actually no is't a option, your parents agreed to it"

"And you think their word will make any di- WAGH WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
Jimin screeched as Taehyung pulled him out from behind his desk before tossing him over his shoulder, man was he going to get murdered but it was going to be oh so worth it.

Taehyung hummed as he made his way down the king worthy staircase.
Jimin's screaching echoing around the entire house as he tried getting off, only catching the attention of the workers around them.

"It was a order from your parents whO may i say employ me"

Taehyung said with a cheesy grin as he swayed from side to side before kicking the door open, suddenly a blast of air collided with Jimin's cheeks causing him to burry his face into Taehyungs back.
Jimin stopped shouting as he felt the gentel wind dancing with his long brownie locks.

"And? .... doesn't it feel much better out here? When was the last time you left that room huh?"

Taehyung sang proudly before feeling stopping as he felt a gentel rainfall hitting his shoulders, he was ready to move back in.
But it wasnt rain fall.

"Oh no ...i guess the weather is-"

Taehyung looked up at the sky but there wasn't a single cloud which hung overhead, well this was awkward.
The taller sliped Jimin down gently into his arms, his arms supporting Jimin up.

"Hey.... why are you crying? Do you realy not want to be out here that badly"

"I..im not crying"
Jimin spoke, his voice muffled as his words got consumed by Taehyung's shirt.
He really was like a little kid.
The taller reached over, unraveling Jimin's fingers one by one before pulling him down onto the stairs.

"When was the last time you have been out here"

He asked as he pulled Jimin's small hands away from his eyes, using the tips of his thumb to wipe away his tears but somethinh about Jimin was different, and Taehyung wanted to find out what that something was.

"Stop treating me like a kid! The pollen just got into my eyes...and the last time? I guess... five years ago?"

"W...that's a lie you couldn't have been living here without even going outside? Don't you have like special helpers to do these kinds of things?"

Taehyung asked as he watched Jimin, fascinated by the small pebbles that were rolling underneath his fingertips.
"Like i told you before, you don't know these people...so dont act like you do"
Jimin said calmly before patting the space nexto him on the stone stair case .

"Oh and ..by the way i lied...they didn't ask me to take you ou-"

"I know..... they would have never let you do that"

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