10. You

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"Morning mr Park"

Taehyung bowed his head lightly as he made his way into the room, passing bye the desk which was now a couple feet away as the smaller male stared at him with a peercing gase before a small sigh escaped his lips

"Yes, morning. Im expecting that you had something very important yesturday to run off so recklessly"

Jimin spoke slowly, yet his calm tone was enaugh to mesmorise Taehyung for a second or two before he rubbed the back of his neck ever so slightly as he let his eyes slip to the side.
"Y..you could say that, but it turned out to be a false alarm"
Taehyung mumbled beneath his breath before looking back up at Jimin who sat there still, his fringe falling over his eyes as he tightly griped the pen inbetween his fingers.

Taehyung didn't notice how small and brittle the others hands were, as if they were made from the thinest layer of glass. So fickle to the touch.

Taehyung was glad, just yesturday he expected his job to be over and now he was standing there infront of the boy who he really didn't understand.
But then again no one could.

Taehyung hummed gently before looking over to the window, the room allways felt so stuffy.
Maybe thats why the smaller was allways so moody.

Taehyung hummed as he walked over to the window before looking over the phrame.
The view was on the back of the house was refreshing from every other area of the mantsion which was so monotoned, so lifeless.

"You seem to really like it out there don't you.."
Jimin spoke bothersomly once as he kept the ball of his pen pressed thirmly against the piece of paper which sat beneath his fingertips and yet his eyes followed Taehyung's expression.

"Well.. who wouldn't? It looks beautifull"

"Really? I was just thinking of cutting it all down. Its not like im able to use it."

Jimin spoke in a matter of fact manner which caused Taehyung to frown at the heartless remark, he couldn't believe the other male's words.
That place was like a sanctuary and he wanted to get rid of it? Taehyung really wanted to know what was going on inside that little head of his.

"Well...why don't we go out there? ive been here three days and i haven't seen you leave that chair once... and im doubting that you have left it at all" Taehying mumured beneath his breath before turning to face Jimin, only to recieve a small scoff as the smaller glanced up with a unimpressed expression hovering over his lips as he sliped his fringe behind his ear.

"I mighy aswell cut your toung off, you talk way too much"
Jimin clicked his toung as he looked back down at the piece of paper, his fists wraping thirmly around the pen as he hung his head low
And it sure begun to irritate him.
The way Taehyung suddenly spoke so casually with Jimin, it was all starting all over again.

"You know my parents will pay you weather you interact with me or not, so you don't have to pull a act."

"And what if i just want to kill time?"
Taehyung tilted his head with a big boxy smile as he took a couple steps over to Jimin's desk before leaning forward.

"But first i kinda...need the toilet so..."
Taehyung mumbled beneath his breath only to watch as the grumpy males cheeks lit up before he shooed the other away with a expression filled of disgust, yet as soon as other was gone a small chuckle escaped Jimins lips as he glanced over at the door.

"He's such a dork"

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