3. Want

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The sky was guilty, its stuffy breeze could make anyone get out of their mind.
Unlucky, not even a single blow of wind to take away the melancholy atmosphere which loomed over the dark haired male.

"Shit, this is the fifth time this week"
Taehyung cursed beneath his breath as he crouched down beside a wall, leaning forward as he tangled his fingertips inbetween coiles of his now overgrown hair.
He coulden't remember the last time he had a hair cut, then again he vouldent remember the last time he even braught some new clothes which wernt hand me downs from neighbours.

Taehyung shook his head as he let out a deep sigh, all that was left for him to do was pray.
Pray that some miricle might happen and a job will just come flying towards at him, but he knew that would be hopefull thinking.
Money doesn't grow on trees, just like how jobs dont just appear out of the blue.
Adleast thats what he thought befire he watched as a pair of black elegant shoes stepped over his vew-phrame.

"Um hello, did you just come out from the job centre? Mr Kim is it?"
Taehying looked up only too see a well dressed middle aged man, consumed by a neat black suit which sat losely over his pearl white cotton blause.
The mans hair was jelled, not even the wind was able to break a millionare's style.
He was dressed in money and that wasn't an exaduration, the clothes were branded with names Taehyung couldn't even afford to pronounce.
He just had to wonder if the other got the wrong person, but wouldent that be obvious with the way Taehyung looked.
Compared to the other he looked like a homeless person, and even some if them had better styles than him.

Once Taehyung broke away from his pepectual thought track he sat up straight as he hesitantly formed a responce.
"U..um yes it is me im..i mean my names is Kim Taehyung a-"

"Great, your starting tomorow at exactly 7am. Wear something nice, ill send you the adress later. Thank you for your time"
The guy spoke robotically before bowing with a straight expression over his fave leaving Taehyung speechless as he looked down at the card the other had placed into the palm of his hand.

"That was a bit...wierd ...oh wait did i just find a job....i..I JUST FOUND A JOB!"
Taehyung shot right up be feeling the adrenaline kicking in as he suddenly felt the energy to run.
If this wasn't some shady kidnapping scheme and if everything went well then maybe there was a chance that he could save his siblings the heart ache of being seperated, and maybe possibly he woudl even be able to pay for their collage fees and everything else he wasn't able to afford at his current position.
Then again his hopes may be too high, he allways seemed to catch bad luck.

And yet Taehyung sidnt even notice the tears that streamed down his cheeks from happyness as he stopped at a bridge, leaning forward before shouting from the top of his lungs.
Frightening some people in the processes but that was the least of his worries as he slowly knelt down, feeling a bright smile forming across his lips and he gently patted his soft head.
His mum would be proud.

"Hey kid....you alright-"

"YES! im MORE THAN ALRIGHT! Thank you I hope you have a magical day!"
Taehyung sang as he shook the strangers hand before running off.

"What a wierd guy..."

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