Last One - Act 1, Scene 7

Beginne am Anfang

Ethan: You're not just ignoring him though, you're ignoring Adele as well. And then she has to put up with me and Joe who's depressed.

Demi: Why should I care about Joe?

Ethan: He's still your friend Dem.

Demi: Sure he is. Just tell Adele-

Ethan: I'm not gonna tell her anything. If you want to talk to her, come over and sit with us.

Ethan walks away, and sits back down with Adele and Joe

Adele: Well? What'd she say?

Ethan: She's fine with all of us apart from Joe. And she just basically said she wanted to hang out with other people today so that's why she's sitting with them lot.

Joe: I've lost her for good.

Demi walks over to the group

Demi: Hey Adele, do you wanna come round mine later, for a sleepover?

Adele: Yeah sure Dem, I'd like that.

Demi: Ok cool. I'm busy 'til half 5 but we can do something after that.

Adele: Yeah I'd like that Dem. I'll message you later.

Demi: Ok, see you then.

Demi walks away

After school - at the café

Adele, Ethan and Joe all seated at their table. Ethan's eating a sandwich, Adele has an iced tea, and Joe has a coffee.

Ethan: Hey don't you think Demi seemed a bit on edge earlier?

Adele: A little yeah.

Joe: Cause of him probably.

Adele: Joe you can't just say that. She's probably not doing too well.

Joe: What'd you mean?

Adele: Her mental health isn't the greatest, and I shouldn't be telling you guys this, but in this situation I have to say something.

Joe: Ok?

Ethan: Still not following.

Adele: Demi has anxiety, depression and OCD, so sometimes when she's going through a period of high anxiety or depression then yeah she's on edge more than usual. That's why she was on edge earlier.

Joe: Why didn't she tell me?

Adele: She didn't want you to know. But now you do, she'll probably be mad at me but she'll understand as to why I had to say.

Ethan: What else do you know that we don't?

Adele: A lot but that's really private between me and her, so I'm not saying anything.

Demi and Beau walk into the café. Beau walks up to the counter to order their food, Demi follows but Joe stops her.

Joe: Hey Dem.

Demi: Oh, hi Joe.

Joe: I know you probably don't wanna talk to me, but could we talk, outside?

Demi: I guess so. (Calls to Beau) Beau, I'm going outside to sort something, I'll be there in a minute.

Beau: Ok Dem.

Demi and Joe go outside to talk

Joe: I know about your mental health Dem.

Demi: What?

Joe: I know about everything, the anxiety, depression, all of it Dem.

Demi: If you know me so well then why'd you bring me out here to talk?

Joe: I wanted to be honest with you, considering Adele was honest with us about you.

Demi: Ok?

Joe: I have ADHD, that and possibly bipolar, but I'm getting tested for that.

Demi: Oh...I...I had no idea Joe, I'm sorry.

Joe: It's fine Dem. I just wanted to be honest with you and also tell you how I didn't mean what I said last time we were out here.

Demi: Well you certainly sounded like you meant it.

Joe: At the time maybe, yeah, but that's because I was angry. I was going through some shit back then and I was lashing out at everyone who spoke to me, including you. I just wanted you to hear me out now and know that I am truly sorry.

Demi: Thanks Joe. I'm trying to work on myself too and change a bit.

Joe: Is that why you weren't sitting with us?

Demi: That and I was still annoyed at you, until now.

Joe: That's understandable. Are we good now then Dem?

Demi: Yeah we're good.

Demi and Joe hug

Beau comes out of the café to find Demi and Joe hugging

Beau: Why the fuck are you hugging my girlfriend!?

Joe stops hugging Demi

Beau pushes Joe, Joe punches Beau in defence and carries on the fight

Demi: Beau, he was just apologising! Stop fighting!

Joe: Dude just fuck off!

Beau: Not until you leave Dem alone!

Both carry on fighting. Beau punches Joe and his face starts bleeding. Demi is frantically trying to get them to stop, but fails.

Demi: For god's sake break it up!

Demi is trying to get into the middle of the guys to stop them fighting.

Beau: Dude just piss off!

Beau pushes Joe and he hits the floor. Demi had also been pushed over.

Adele and Ethan come outside

Ethan: What the fuck is going on!?

Joe and Beau finally stop fighting

Adele: Where's Demi?

Demi laying in the middle of the road. She stands up groaning and holding her hand to her head - has a cut on her face from where she hit the floor. A car comes up behind her.

Beau: DEMI! CAR!

Demi: What?

Demi has a panicked look on her face as she realises what he said, but was too late for her to move. The car hits her - stage lights flash brightly, then blackout

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