Last One - Act 3, Scene 7

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Demi and Kayla sitting in the canteen

Adele walks up to them and sits down

Adele: Hi guys.

Demi: Hey y-you're here!

Adele: Yeah yeah I'm here. Sorry, I was gonna message but I've been visiting Ethan the last few days and completely forgot.

Demi: It's o-okay Adele, we w-were just worried that's all.

Adele: Yeah. So was I.

Demi: S-so what happened?

Adele takes a deep breath

Adele: You know Ethan had that knee injury a while back?

Kayla: Yeah?

Adele: Yeah well, they tried to fix his knee that second time, but it healed badly cause they set it wrong. And then fast forward to Sunday night, he's in excruciating pain, ends up in hospital, and... now he's an amputee.

Kayla: Shit.

Demi: W-wait so they c-cut off his leg!? It was that b-bad that they c-couldn't do anything else!?

Adele: Yeah.

Kayla: Hang on, hang on, what's he gonna do about running? He wanted to go to the Olympics right?

Adele: I don't even know if he'll want to do any of that after this. He doesn't really wanna do anything at the minute.

Kayla: Poor dude.

Adele: Yeah he's not doing too great. (Starts to tear up)

Demi: I know w-what that's like. Can w-we go see him?

Adele: Yeah, might cheer him up to see his friends. (Smiles slightly whilst trying not to cry) He should be home today too.

Kayla: Ok so it's settled, we're going round his after school.

Adele: I'll message him and say. the hospital

Joe pushing Ethan in wheelchair

Joe: You okay dude?

Ethan: Yeah, just tired.

Joe: Makes sense. Bet you're excited to go home though.

Ethan: Yeah, I guess. Won't be back in school for at least three weeks though.

Joe: At least its only three weeks and not like two months.

Ethan: True. How come you're being so optimistic lately?

Joe: I err, stopped smoking.

Ethan: Shit, no way, dude that's amazing.

Joe: Yeah. I mean I have one from time to time but I've cut down a lot.

Ethan: That's amazing dude. I'm proud.

Joe: Thanks. It's fucking hard though I tell ya.

Ethan: Yeah I can imagine.

Joe: Obviously nothing compared to what you're going through but yeah.

Ethan: Yeah, I'd rather not talk about that if I'm honest.

Joe: Ok, whatever you say dude.

Ethans phone went off, he checks it

Joe: Who was that?

Ethan: Adele. Said her and the others are gonna come see me later.

Joe: Nice. I told my form tutor I'm ill today so I can stay with you if you want.

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