Last One - Act 2, Scene 5

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The next day

Scene starts with the friends, apart from Joe, all sitting in the cafe talking. Its early in the morning so everyone looks tired. Cafe is almost empty however few people are there eating.

Kayla: Did anyone actually get any sleep last night or were you all up worrying as well?

Adele: No, I barely slept.

Ethan: I don't even remember.

Joe walks in and sits down

Joe: At least you got some sleep.

Adele: Oh my god Joe.

Kayla: You look like shit.

Joe huffs and rolls his eyes

Joe: (Sarcastically) Thanks.

Ethan: Just remember guys, whatever's happened, we need to be there for her.

Kayla: Agreed. We need to support her as much as we can.

Now at the hospital

The group see Demi's mum, Tara, standing talking to a doctor. Tara walks over to them once she'd finished talking.

Tara: Hey are you guys all okay?

Adele: We're managing. None of us slept well last night because we were worrying about her though.

Tara: Yeah, I don't think I've slept at all since we came in here yesterday.

Joe: Can we see her?

Tara: Okay, but why don't you guys sit down for a minute, I need to talk to you all before you see Demi.

They all sit

Tara: How much do you know about Demi's injuries from the car accident?

Ethan: She got hit by a car, got paralyzed and that's it?

Tara: Right so she hasn't told you then.

Joe: Told us what?

Tara: Did any of you ever see Demi pass out? And then she'd have gaps in her memory where she didn't know what happened?

Joe: Yeah, why?

Tara: She has a traumatic brain injury due to the accident. So part of that includes the fainting and also seizures.

Kayla: So you're saying she had a seizure?

Tara: Yeah. (starts to get choked up) But during this one she stopped breathing. And they're now saying they'll be permanent damage to her brain because she didn't breathe.

Adele: Oh my god.

Adele starts tearing up

Tara: I said to your parents yesterday to not bring you up here yet because she had to be put in a coma, and hasn't woken up yet. They thought she would've by now but...

Joe: What? No no no! They can't do that! They can't! Get them to wake her up!

Tara: Joe, she's the only one who can. We can't do anything.

Tara hugs Joe

Tara: I need to get back in there in case she does wake up and needs me.

Tara walks off

Joe: They can't just leave her like that! What if...What if she never wakes up? What if they forget about her?

Joe starts hyperventilating but remains angry

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