Last One - Act 1, Scene 3

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Scene begins with Demi standing in her bathroom, looking in the mirror. She has a pair of scissors in her hand, hair clippers on the side by the sink.

Demi: (Partially crying) Screw Joe, Screw them, Screw everyone.

Demi grabs a chunk of hair and cuts it off. Stage lights blackout.

Meanwhile... Adele, Joe and Ethan walking down the street looking for Demi 

Adele: For gods sake Joe why'd you always do this.

Joe: How the hell was I meant to know she would run off!

Adele: Again, she's your girlfriend, you should know by now how she reacts to things!

Joe: Yeah whatever, we just need to find where she ran off to.

Adele: Well she cuts her hair when something happens so she'll probably be at home. So let's go.

They all eventually arrive at Demi's house. Adele knocks on the door but no one answers. She knocks again. Adele sees that the window is open.

Adele: Demi it's me, can we come in?

Demi: Yeah, it's open!

Adele, Joe and Ethan go inside

Adele: Anyone else hear a buzzing sound?

Ethan: Yeah, sounds like hair clippers.

Joe: Oh for fucks sake.

Adele: Joe don't-

Joe runs up the stairs

Ethan: I'm gonna get a drink, this could take a while.

Ethan walks into the kitchen

Joe now upstairs outside the locked bathroom door trying to talk to Demi

Joe: Dem it's me, open the door.

Demi: Go away Joe!

Joe: Just think about what you're doing for once please!

Demi: Why do you care! Not like you give a shit!

Joe: Just open the door so we can talk! Or at least stop cutting your hair!

Demi: You only want to see how much I've cut to see if you like it or not! That's the only reason why you want me to open the door isn't it Joe!

Joe stays silent

Demi: Fine. You wanna see how much I've cut off!? Here!

Demi unlocks the door and hands him her ponytail, without letting him see what she'd done

Joe comes down the stairs

Ethan: Well? Did you talk to her?

Joe: Barely. She cut this off though.

Joe holds up Demi's ponytail

Adele: Oh god, again?

Both Ethan and Joe look confused

Joe: What do you mean again?

Adele: She's done this before, like cut her hair to cope if something bad or stressful happens. I literally mentioned it earlier?

Ethan: Was that why her hair was pink before she got it dyed the other day?

Adele: Yeah, but I wasn't here when that happened so I dunno why she did that that time.

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