Seeing the Sky

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One by one each girl looked down and picked up a ball feeling anxious about the lives they were going to take ...


"Bast...ards." The young man with white hair grumbled as the drugs started to wear off slightly. He was just about able to move, but he was too late. The door to the carriage could be heard opening and he knew any second the barrel he was in would be opened too. The last thing he needed was yet another dose of that drug. After all, he had a feeling this could be his last chance to escape.

With every bit of strength he could muster he managed to form a sharp point of bone at the tip of his right forefinger. As the lid moved he forced his body to move against the effects of the slowly weakening drug so he could aim his finger. The second he felt the fresh air from the lid being removed he pulsed his chakra sending the sharp piece of bone rocketing at the person like a bullet.

Sadly, his effort was for nothing. The sound of a gasp and of the bullet colliding with wood was all he needed to hear to know that he missed. As he braced himself for a punch or kick followed by a needle filled with drugs piercing his skin he tensed. However, that wasn't the case. Instead he felt long strands of hair fall to his lap. It was strange since his captors had short hair.

"Guess that answers the question on how much of the drugs are left in your system." A gentle and clearly amused voice said.

Green eyes widened at the sound of the voice that was definitely not one that belonged to any of his kidnappers. He tilted his more and tried to see the person. For a moment he couldn't see much more than a vague silhouette, but then she lit a match flooding his barrel with light. Much to his surprise he saw sky or, to be more precise, eyes that were the same color of the sky. Blue eyes, golden sun like hair, red lips all on a gentle heart shaped face. It was a mesmerizing sight ...

"It's ok ... I'm going to get you out-" the girl was cut off as a hand came out of the darkness and clapped over her mouth.

"Not a chance, girly. I'm sure Orochimaru will like another test subject." Hissed a familiar male voice.

"No!" The weakened prisoner in the wine barrel gasped as he recognized the voice as one of the men who kidnapped him.

Any worry he had for the girl's safety, though, quickly disappeared when she vanished ...

Yes ... it was confusing, but she did vanish with a pop leaving smoke in the kidnapper's hands making the match fall to the floor and he saw red ...

No, that wasn't a phrase to describe anger. From his spot in the now dark wine barrel he saw a shimmer followed by a very literal red flash in the dim light from the dying match. The metallic smell of the liquid that splashed onto his cheek made it clear what the red was ... it was blood.

"Well ... let's get you guys out." The blonde girl said softly, clearly sounding a bit shaken as she could be heard stepping over the body.

Perhaps this was her first kill. It would've made sense to him if that was the case for she seemed well trained. Not only did she silently navigate the carriage in the dark before using the match to see him and dodge his bone, but she also knew how to escape a person's grasp. The only reason he can imagine that someone so skilled would be so flustered is if she never took a life before.

As the girl helped him out of the barrel he became aware of two other people standing outside of the carriage, but everything remained too dark to see for no match was lit this time. The two others helped him out and let him sit on the ground before two went in the carriage. Barely any sounds were made as they started taking the other prisoners out of their barrels beyond the comforting whispers.

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