Hot Tub Trouble

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Haru smiled as she rushed over and pulled out Danzo's device, "Your thing must've blocked something. I'll make a little adjustment." She said quickly, but she almost panicked when she saw the champagne was washing off the makeup covering Naruko's whisker marks ...


"Let's go enjoy our expensive bath!" Orochimaru said excitedly.

As they walked along Kimimaro skimmed through the photos. All were blurry, but the least bad was the last one. The supposed Naruko Uzumaki looked like someone did a fast edit with software they had never used before. It didn't remind him of anyone.

Kabuto snorted in amusement when he saw said pictures, "Old fool just took a picture of Kushina and gave her blonde hair and blue eyes and slapped on some whisker mark birthmarks. He didn't even take into account what she'd look like if she took after Minato." He said as they went down to the bathhouse.

Just as they arrived they found Danzo and Maki getting sprayed by the tub. It was only pure luck that Kimimaro's eyes caught the slight appearance of fine black lines on her cheeks. In an instant everything clicked into place. The weird flinching during the massage, the panic when Danzo glared at her when he wanted her to take the pictures and why she was so worried about covering the marks right now. She, the girl he first knew as Kurama, was the one called Naruko Uzumaki and was the one being targeted by the very man in this room. Even worse was that her makeup thin disguise was disappearing. If she dared to use a jutsu to hide them then she'd be caught for sure even if Danzo and Orochimaru seemed a little dense.

Without a second thought Kimimaro looked for a solution. The gray haired girl he recognized as Naruko's teammate was unfortunately being watched by Danzo as she fixed something in the bath. The other girl, Sana, was bringing in a pot and also saw the problem. She calmly passed Naruko a large towel and Kimimaro took that opportunity to step forward to stand in front of Naruko just in case Danzo turned to look.

"The massage table is set up in that room right there." Naruko said as she peeked around Kimimaro's arm. Thankfully, she had the towel draped over her head. Her face was showing, but she held the ends together so her cheeks were subtly hidden. Kimimaro had to admit that it was cute and it became clear that she didn't need him to step in.

"Wonderful!" Orochimaru exclaimed before shooting Danzo a look. "So are you going to leave or are you waiting to watch some hot tub sex?"

Danzo cringed and immediately turned to leave. However, as he turned he glanced at the girl named Maki. The point of this mission was to get on Orochimaru's good side so he couldn't just kill the girl. If the girl was rude he could and it would be a good thing to kill her, but that was not the case. Only a moron would shoot themselves in the foot like that, especially when knowing that Orochimaru could offer the girl a job or money for an extra massage job outside of the resort. The sage has done that before. He had to let her live, but at the same time Maki has heard too much. She will need to be dealt with, but not in front of the snake sage.

"What an old prude." Kabuto scoffed as Danzo left. As he started stripping he looked at the bath just as Haru was peeking at something in the bath. It was a fact he and Orochimaru filed away for later. "Now this looks amazing!" He said as he and Orochimaru stepped into the bath and made their way to the chocolate filled fondue pot next to the edge of the bath.

Naruko smiled as she pointed to the tray of fruits, cake pieces and other things to dip in the chocolate, "The cake pieces are the most expensive. Yuki," She pointed at Haru, "will be happy to get you any refills. I'll close this screen a little so you guys can be alone!" She said happily, keeping her towel in place as she stepped up into the room filled with towels. Once Kimimaro followed her she slid the sliding door halfway closed just enough to hide the massage bed. Not that it hid much especially since the light in the room revealed the silhouettes of the people inside.

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