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"Yes, Queen Reine." The four ninjas said and immediately left ...


Orochimaru nodded when he saw Kimimaro arrive safely back at the compound, "Be ready. We leave in a few weeks. No training until Sasuke is caught." He ordered not wanting his back up body to be damaged in case Sasuke wasn't available.

"Yes, master." Kimimaro's clone said feeling very relieved that the snake sage was too distracted to notice that he was a clone. Now he just had to survive until the trip to Konoha.

"Kabuto, have you heard anything about Konoha recently?" Orochimaru demanded, eager to have what he wanted.

Kabuto chuckled, "Besides a failed curry festival not much."


Tsunade nodded as she shifted through the reports in front of Yumi and Yobaba, "As far as I can tell there were no leaks. At least, nothing important.."

Yobaba scoffed, "Of course, we had eyes on the perimeter and Jiraiya made sure as well. Only the curry festival tidbits got out. Did the council accept the story?"

"For once they all seemed to be on the same page." Tsunade commented with an eye roll. "As far as they know Naruko is with Kakashi to hide from the remaining Akatsuki members who everyone else believes got away. Whether they liked Naruko or hated her they agreed that it's best to not have her near the village and stay in hiding." Tsunade said with a smirk knowing that Naruko hasn't even left yet.

"Excellent! We'll assist with the payments for repairs though I suspect you'll have better luck with funding than Hiruzen." Yumi said innocently.

"In fact, the daimyo does find me more likable and she has increased our budget." Tsunade commented feeling pleased and a little sadistic that everything is going much smoother than when her former sensei was in control. "Itachi agreed to stay, by the way. Of course, the council allowed it." She muttered knowing they just wanted to cling to the Sharingan at all costs.

Yumi hummed thoughtfully, "In the end he was the most loyal ninja this village had and with Danzo gone there's less to worry about."

"Almost." Tsunade muttered. "There is one person still out there and obsessed with the Sharingan and considering no one outside the village knows yet Orochimaru might try something."

"Perhaps, but if he does come near he'll learn about it. Even if he's furious and wants to attack just to spite everyone for destroying his desired bloodline he will want a new body first. Hopefully." Yumi theorized as she signed over some money to the hokage.

Tsunade nodded, "I'll keep that in mind for when the bulk of the damage is fixed. Let's see what happens when I release the tourists and all the details get out." She commented, sounding a bit concerned about doing what she said. However, the elders of Cave and a grin from Barb assured her that Orochimaru won't be a problem.

As Tsunade pondered what would happen, the two elders from Cave left the office with Barb. They weren't worried about the snake sage. There was a plan in place for him ...


Kimimaro bolted upright in the hotel bed effectively waking the three trained ninjas he roomed with, "Orochimaru is coming towards Konoha with an army of 50."

"I'll send the message." Jade said while jumping out of bed to write a couple notes.

One message was to Tsunade to tell her to allow tourists to leave. After all, not many people were allowed to leave. It's normal to do that so enemies won't learn of a vulnerable moment and attack now the information needed to get out.

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