Tourist Trap

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Every last Akatsuki member left to catch the host of the nine tailed fox ...


The two lazy gate guards who were on duty that day, Izumo and Kotetsu, suddenly looked up when they heard someone coming, "Kakashi?!" The two guards winced as the silver haired ninja ignored them in favor of looking down the road. They awkwardly tried to start any conversation, but it ended in failure. However, they suddenly saw Kakashi practically glow with excitement and turned to see what he was looking at.

"Kakashi!" There, walking towards Konoha, was a young woman with short blonde hair, blue eyes, fair skin and whisker marks on her cheeks.

The guards' jaws dropped as Kakashi was tackled in a hug, "Oh Naruko! I missed you! Come on. I have everything ready for you at my place! It is a bit far away from the Namikaze compound, but we can worry about the compound later."

"Yes. I'd much rather get settled first. If that's even possible in this place." The blonde said anxiously as they walked down the road and took a left, the opposite direction of the Namikaze compound.

Kotetsu blinked, "She's really back ... it might sound bad, but I was hoping the rumors were wrong." He said looking guilty.

Izumo frowned, "Yeah. Should we get a gift?"

"Like what? Do you know anything that screams 'sorry for doing nothing to help you' or 'yes, this village tortured you, but we can be friends' ..." Izumo trailed off waiting for his partner to give a reasonable answer. No answer came from the rather sheepish Kotetsu. "Exactly. I bet any attempt is going to backfire ... we'll see what happens with the clan heirs before doing anything."

Kotetsu sighed, "I really hope that rumor isn't true because if you're right and anything could backfire then sending the heirs to seduce her will destroy us-"

"Excuse me." The guards jumped and realized a group of four people were waiting to go through the gate.

This time there was a woman with lightly tanned skin, blue eyes and long brown hair that was up by a blue hair clip that matched her eyes and earrings. She wore light blue sundress and a necklace with a simple blue stone that was carved into the shape of a bat. With her were two raven haired women. One was older, and possibly a mother of one of the girls, with green eyes. The other girl had black eyes and looked annoyed. The last member of the group was a man in a wheelchair who was being pushed by the blue eyed woman.

The woman in the blue dress sighed, "It's been a long trip and my husband is tired. Which direction is this street?" She asked as she handed the guards a note.

Kotetsu smiled sheepishly, especially at the young brown haired man in the wheelchair, as he took the note, "Sorry about that. We were distracted." He looked at the address and pointed. "Go straight ahead and take the first right. Are you all traveling together?"

The blue eyed girl smiled, "Yep! We have some plans to work out." She said kissing the man in the wheelchair, who blushed ever so slightly and smiled, before the group continued into the village. They took the first right and disappeared from view.


"Where is your home again?" The whisker marked blonde asked nervously as she held onto Kakashi's sleeve.

Kakashi glared back at the villagers, who were staring at Naruko, as they walked down the streets, "It's right up ahead. Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune are waiting there already!" He exclaimed loud enough for the villagers in range to hear and effectively flinch in fear.

"Ok." The blonde said and they continued walking, but only for a moment. A large dog with some guy on its back rudely jumped down from the roof of a nearby building effectively cutting off their path.

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