Invested Wisely

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Tsunade smirked, "Let's go help our dear village." She said they went to fight and destroy any evidence that might be left behind ...


"Where'd the demon vessel go?" The blue skinned Akatsuki member grumbled. "Hey Itachi-Holy shit!" Kisame yelped when a massive suit of chakra exploded out of the area where they lost sight of Naruko.

Deidara dodged the debris that was thrown around by the giant chakra soldier, "Why the fuck is he using Susanoo?! We're trying to catch the vessel, not kill her!"

"Something seriously pissed him off!" Kisame yelled as he spotted the furious Uchiha in the chest of the chakra giant.

The Akatsuki member scoffed, "Leave him!" He ordered when he saw hundreds of masked people swarm around like ants as Itachi rampaged.

It looked like ants running out of their hill to kill the attacker. However, each ant ended up getting crushed. Those ants weren't the main target though. All of Itachi's attention was on one person. Sadly it seemed to attract the rest of the village.

Right before he could escape a muscular woman came out of nowhere. The incredibly hard hit he received to the face actually made it impossible to use the chakra coils in his eye. That was his only means of getting out of this so now he had no choice but to fight.


"Oh my. This is quite scary." Yobaba muttered as Barb set her and Yumi in the evacuation zone under the hokage mountain.

Yumi nodded, "At least we're with good company." She said as she saw Jade, Sana, a brown haired Naruko and a man in a wheelchair being escorted into the zone by a Leaf Anbu.

Yobaba hummed as she saw the Leaf Anbu leap away towards the battle as if to join the fight, "Not that scary I suppose."

"I'll go assist in the fight so it doesn't get any closer." Barb said as if she was looking after the safety of the old women. She took off in the exact direction as the one Leaf anbu from just a moment ago.

"She wants everything to go smoothly." Yobaba chuckled softly knowing that Barb wanted to make sure her student, Haru, got out of the village safely.

Jade ushered her group of supposedly scared tourists over to two elders, "It's getting messy out there." She commented as Naruko helped Kimimaro hold the breathing mask to help him through a coughing fit.

"Oh my! Is that the hokage?" A random civilian asked and sure enough they were right.

"It must be close to ending now that he's involved!" Another civilian cheered despite the ground shaking with the power of the fight.

It was only that comment that made Naruko look away from Kimimaro and out the opening of the safe place, "He seems to be strong." She commented, but before they were ushered deeper into the evacuation site she saw that the hokage was oddly outnumbered. It was like the other ninjas didn't have his back.


Hiruzen removed his hokage robes as he raced to assist in the fight. He thought he stepped in right when everyone else had managed to push the Akatsuki back towards the edge of the village. However, he spotted Itachi in a full on battle with many strange ninjas. Since the other Akatsuki were the ones fighting other Leaf ninjas he decided to avoid Itachi for now. Right now it was everything else that had to be settled first.

The hokage raced to the middle of the fray and beat back one of the seven orange haired Akatsuki members. It was brutal and to make it worse these particular ninjas seemed to not be real. Once he saw the Akatsuki member using a puppet it hit him. The orange haired men were puppets of sorts so he had to kill the one who is controlling them.

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