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It seemed Naruko was making more friends to help her through what this world has in store for them ... doesn't mean Jade won't worry about her, she always will...


"What would you like to make for the party, Naruko? We should do four recipes and do as much as we can using both ovens. The others on the desert committee are baking too so there's no need to rush." Jade told the blonde as the little girl sat at the table filled with cookbooks ready to help.

In two days a festival is being held. It's a celebration for all the brave ninjas who have died in that year. A hot air balloon is flown up into the air for each soul that passed on and everyone parties until midnight. Jade and Naruko are part of the dessert committee this year. Though to be honest Jade was going to back out because she thought Naruko would prefer watching her first Festival of Passing, but her daughter loved the idea as much as baking. As a result they ended up here ready to begin baking.

"Ummm ... I know! Sugar cookies would be perfect and ... the triple chocolate cake you made for me before ... that apple cake and ..." Naruko pouted as she couldn't find another recipe she liked in the first recipe book and moved it to the side to look through the next book. "Russian tea cakes!"

Jade clapped her hands excitedly, "Excellent choices! Let me see here ..." She hummed as she opened the fridge to take stock of what they had. "We have chocolate chips, but not chocolate pudding or apples." She glanced in the pantry to see the flour and sugar next to the walnuts and cinnamon that goes in the tea cakes. "We have a good amount of everything for starting sugar cookies or the tea cakes so which one would you like to start with?" Jade asked as she made a hand sign to create four shadow clones. One clone was to watch the oven, one clone was to help prepare and the last two were to keep track of the supplies and go buy more when they need it. The designated shopping clones went to get the things they didn't have right away so they could start the apple and chocolate cakes later.

"Sugar cookies!" Naruko exclaimed happily.

"Alright! Go pick some cookie cutters." said Jade who gave Naruko the small basket of cookie cutters as her clones preheated the stacked ovens and got out the bowls and cookie sheets.

A bat cookie cutter was chosen. It was the unofficial symbol of the Village Hidden n the Cave, after all. Unofficial is used to describe it because unlike most ninja villages Cave doesn't have headbands and none of them wear any kind of identifier. You would never be able to look at them and think they were from a certain village or even ninjas unless you fought them. They were truly hidden in a way especially from other ninja villages. Naruko also remembered that bats symbolize death and rebirth from class so she chose her other cookie cutters with that in mind.

A dragonfly cookie cutter to symbolize the afterlife and a butterfly shaped cookie cutter to represent change and life ... that and these ones would be fun to decorate!

The clones melted some chocolate, got the sprinkles and pearl dust ready for decorating as Naruko and her mother made the dough. It was a double batch so it would make lots of cookies, but for a village they would need two more double batches. Thankfully, with this assembly line they would crank out a lot very quickly. There was a little bump in the process when Naruko had trouble using the dragonfly ...

The little blonde pouted as the antenna of the dragonfly cookie popped off when she tried to remove the dough from the cutter, "This dragonfly is not working." She said sadly.

Jade took the misshapen piece of dough and worked it back into the rest of the dough before rolling it back out "It's a tricky shape. I'll show you a trick." Jade channeled her chakra into the cookie cutter and pushed it in the dough. The chakra made the dough slide out so it kept the perfect dragonfly shape.

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