Spa Spying

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"That's good." Naruko said with a smile though it saddened her. She hoped to see him again one day and thank him. After all, she couldn't help feeling responsible for his decision to be a spy in the first place, but how likely would that be if he's a spy?


Jade paced the kitchen nervously, occasionally shooting none other than the Queen a serious look, "Does Barb really think they're ready? It hasn't even been a year."

"They completed the limit of 10 missions and displayed excellent teamwork so far. Barb thinks it's time to ease off and interfere only when they ask for it. You know how this goes, Jade." Reine smiled in amusement as she sipped on her cup of coffee. "Besides, you know how fast Barb is. They'll be fine taking a mission where they may need to separate a bit. They will be doing individual missions in a few years, you know."

"Doesn't mean I need to like it." Jade mumbled almost childishly, making Reine snicker. The worried mother nearly jumped at her daughter when the adorable blonde ran down the stairs. "You have everything, right?"

Naruko smiled as she twirled around in a certain blue sundress her familiars gave her nearly a year ago and the blue bat shaped gem necklace from her Mom, "Of course, Mom. I'll be fine." She smiled and gave her mother a loving hug that lasted a bit longer than needed since Jade didn't want to let her go. After finally being released she waved. "Bye, Mom! Bye, Aunty Reine!" She called back innocently as she disappeared into the treetops through the open window leaving her mother smiling softly and the Queen beaming happily.

"She's growing up too fast." Jade said with a sad sigh, but smiled. "She didn't mind you and me. I was worried that it'd be a shock."

"With the number of times you've been around me without my guards it was bound to get out. You aren't that subtle, love." The Queen cocked her eyebrow, "You're not planning on breaking more rules, right? I'd just hate to have to put you on another village lockdown."

"Oh really? You didn't seem to mind having me here." Jade said before leaning over to kiss Reine.

Lulu and Gina looked in the house blushing lightly, "ummm your majesty, you have a meeting in 10 minutes." Lulu said.

Gina pouted, "Please don't delay much longer. Elder Yobaba got really mad at us last time you were late."

"As if you pervs weren't listening through the door and could have easily mentioned it earlier before round two." Jade snorted, getting the Queen's guards to blush.

Reine chuckled as she stood up, "I should go anyway. I need to get the paperwork together so you can talk to Naruko when she returns."

"Thank you." Jade said with a soft smile.


With great care Naruko navigated the dark caves and village defenses to go meet her team. The last couple months they've been told to go through the dangerous path themselves since they'd have to get used to it eventually. Of course, Barb took them through one at a time a couple times to be sure that they won't end up as shark bait if they go through alone.

Nina unraveled her long legs as she dangled from Naruko's earlobe and waved them excitedly , "THE QUEEN IS DATING YOUR-" she was instantly silenced when Naruko playfully poked her.

"We suspected Mom was seeing someone for a while, right?" She laughed as she raced into the ally village of Firefly. "I'm a little early. Maybe I'll stop in and see Karin and Haku."

Clara clacked her mandibles while keeping her hair accessory disguise in place, "It's on the way so why not? We could be gone for a while so it'd be good to stop in." She said and Naruko quickly went to the Firefly Apartments where her cousin and friend now lived. Not that Karin wasn't annoyed that she couldn't live in the actual village hidden by the Caves, but she found out quickly that she couldn't get past the forest and its chakra warping powers.

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