Spicy Throw Down

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Kakashi eye smiled, "That's a great idea. We'll all go."


Jade took one last look at the map before looking out of the window, "It's still cloudy. Let's move."

"Right!" Naruko, Sana and Kimimaro said as the spiders took their places on Naruko's head. However, they didn't pretend to be innocent accessories just yet.

All the USB lenses were collected. Who would handle each lense was quietly decided. As a result everyone agreed that the spiders would handle the three security cameras closest to the compound. The last cameras will be handled by Naruko, Sana and Jade as they approach the compound. Kimimaro is going to be hiding the computer in his wheelchair pouch that was slightly hidden by the 'oxygen' tank, which contained his breathable medicine.

"I got my lense!" Tina exclaimed as Jade gave each spider their lense and immediately jumped off Naruko's head and dropped down to the hem of her dress where she hid behind. Clara and Nina soon joined her carrying their own lenses..

As everyone started to leave the room Naruko unsealed a pair of blue earrings and a clip to wear. It made it look exactly like her spiders were in their usual places. With a brisk pace they all headed out of the hotel. Once they made it to the deserted path leading to the compound the three spiders took off into the trees. The rest of the group slowed down to a more casual pace.

"Oh! I nearly forgot to tell you guys. The hot springs have private rooms if you want to be alone." Sana said casually as they walked down the path. Of course, her comment made the couple blush and effectively had Kimimaro coughing. "Oops! We should pull over." Sana said cheerfully not showing any regret as Naruko steered the wheelchair right up to the trees that have proven to be a useful blind spot.

Despite the coughing fit, Kimimaro noticed that the wheelchair was taken just off the path and parked behind it. Supposedly it was so his wheelchair wouldn't block the path and he could recover in peace. Of course, he knew it was really just a great spot to hide out of sight and check the computer hidden in his wheelchair pouch.

"Was that necessary?" Naruko murmured under her breath while she comforted Kimimaro.

Sana shrugged as Jade pulled the computer out and opened it, "It was an easy excuse." She whispered with a sly smile.

Of course, there was no time for this. Naruko reluctantly focused her attention on the screen just like her mother and Sana. They saw two check marks meaning two of the USB lenses were now active. Once they saw the third check mark appear they immediately left Kimimaro, but took the computer with them before they took off through the trees.

Armed with the knowledge of where the cameras were and which way they were facing it took no time at all. Each woman popped open the black rim of their lenses. They spread out with Sana taking the computer and stayed out of sight until they were close. Thankfully, Sana's Sharingan only spotted seals on the forest floor before. That made sense because the ROOT agents had to maintain the cameras and couldn't risk tripping seals every time. As long as they stayed in the trees they should avoid any seals.

Once they found the cameras they wanted they threw the lenses. The clear rimless part of the USB cameras flew over the security cameras' view and the rim closed around them.

Sana glanced at the computer screen and saw that each of the USB lenses were activated. After a quick scan with her Sharingan she silently ran to the gate of the Namikaze compound. That was all Jade and Naruko needed to see to know that it was safe to come out. Of course, they still had to be quiet so the cameras wouldn't pick up the noises and they were careful about stepping exactly where Sana stepped to avoid seals.

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