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This was a secret village for a reason, you can't just bring people in without consequences ...


Queen Reine smiled softly at the adorable child standing next to Jade. The little girl looked nervous, "It's quite alright, sweetheart. You don't have to kneel." She spoke softly as the girl was about to follow Jade's example and kneel. "Now what is your name sweetheart?"

The blonde girl blushed lightly and felt calmer due to the comforting smile, "I'm Naruko U-Uzumaki."

"Naruko ... a lovely name. You must be hungry after traveling with Jade. My ninjas can be a handful." Reine gave an exasperated sigh.

"Hey! We heard that!" Gina chirped from outside, making Naruko giggle despite the situation.

"Serves you right for not closing the door." Reine chuckled. "Lulu be a dear and take little Naruko to get some food and fresh clothes." She was eager to hear what possessed Jade to bring the girl into the village. Jade wasn't normally so impulsive, but this child looks half starved and was only wearing a large cloak so there must've been a good reason behind Jade's actions.

The pretty purple eyed guard wearing black practically skipped into the room, "I'd love too!" She beamed as she scooped up the small blonde. "Come on, Naruko. Let's go shopping, and yes, I am much more fun than Jade." Lulu poked her tongue out at Jade playfully. Naruko smiled as Jade rolled her eyes, but as she was being carried out of the room she looked at Jade.

Yumi, the elderly advisor wearing blue, chuckled as soon as Naruko was taken away and the door was shut, "She has good instincts ... she knows you're in trouble." She said, the air in the room grew tense.

"Now I believe an explanation is needed, Jade Terre." said Yobaba sternly as she adjusted her pink kimono.

"Yes and don't leave one detail out." said Queen Reine seemingly indifferent.

Jade nodded, her eyes looked at them, but she remained kneeling, "I went on my mission to Konoha. After less than a week I was able to get the information needed on security and the main clans as needed." She handed Yobaba a scroll she unsealed from her belt. "I was getting ready to leave the next morning, but I noticed a strange change in the activities of the civilians. It was only 4:00 in the evening when I looked out the window and saw a mob of people carrying torches. Some of which were already lit."

It was clear to the three people listening that this wasn't going to be pretty. Jade was already clenching her fist as she continued her narration. "I thought this was odd so I went after them, while leaving a clone in my place in case someone became suspicious. At first, it almost seemed like a festival of sorts. Everyone stood in a circle and a woman stood up to say something. Instead everyone seemed to be waiting for something. That turned out to be Naruko. She was dragged naked into the center of the circle and the woman accused her of murder-"

Yobaba raised an eyebrow, "Murderer? She's but a child!"

Jade nodded, "I was confused as well, but the woman went on to describe little Naruko as a demon ... I believe Naruko is the demon vessel holding the nine tailed fox-"

"What? Jade, do you realize what was done?" demanded a furious Yobaba. Yumi and Reine sighed, Yobaba never could hold her tongue until the end of a report.

The ninja flinched, "Yes I do-"

Yobaba glared, "I don't think you do! You took Konoha's prized weapon-"

"They were going to torture her-"

The pink elder snapped again not caring that she interrupted Jade, "Those foolish ninja villages all practice that with demon vessels though it always goes terribly! They all stupidly think it's necessary to get the host under their thumb! The civilians are allowed to torment and the ninjas are there to 'save'. A horrible mix to manipulate-"

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