Prey in Sight

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Once the elder left Jade made a bowl of chicken soup and took it up to Naruko ...


Naruko heard the bell signaling the end of class ring and began packing up her things in storage seals on her hands when she heard her sensei say, "All the students who got a cocoon sticker on your report card please stay a moment after class."

"Bye Sana, I'll see you later." Naruko said and showed her friend her report card, which had a little cocoon sticker just under her name.

Sana pouted, "Ok, bye!" She called as she picked up her backpack and left waving to the blonde.

Minami smiled as a group of six little girls came up to her desk, "Now I'm sure you're wondering why I marked your report cards. Well the first year is mainly for the basics, but the first part of the second year is for testing your strengths and weaknesses. I found each of you have an area where you have a bit more trouble compared to your peers. For some of you that may be strength and for others it may be chakra related. Since your classes are going to get harder, we are going to tailor your homeroom time so you can work on these weaknesses or I will help find something to help you get around them. I have some folders for you and I want you to look through them with your mommies, ok?"

"Yes, sensei!" The little girls all said. One by one they were called by name and given a folder from the pile on Minami's desk before scurrying out the door to wait for their mothers ...

She tried to resist, but Naruko couldn't help but open her folder as she waited. It really wasn't surprising to find that her big weakness was chakra especially releasing genjutsus. Her mommy already explained why, but her thoughts were interrupted when a girl ran out and tripped sending her folder and everything in it sprawling across the ground.

"Are you ok, Haru?" Naruko asked as she sealed her folder away in her seals and went over to help the gray haired girl with pink eyes collect the papers.

Haru smiled shyly and took the papers Naruko picked up for her "I'm fine. Thank you, Naruko." She said gratefully as she tucked all the papers neatly in the folder.

"I was happy to help ... I noticed you have some trouble with chakra too, would you like to work on that together? I have a lot of trouble with that." Naruko offered sweetly.

"I-I would like that." Haru blushed, but then noticed her mother, Rosie, coming towards the school. "That's my mother ... see you tomorrow." The shy girl said softly and almost hesitantly ...

"Yep, see you tomorrow!" Naruko grinned, waving as Haru walked towards her mother seemingly happier than a moment ago. The little blonde suddenly heard the rumble of thunder and went into the school to wait ...


Jade smiled at the heavily pregnant woman on the exam table as she sat down to review some results, "It looks like everything is going well ... I expect you to have a very healthy baby girl."

"That's good to hear. Should I still stay here over the next week?" The woman asked as she sat up with a bit of help from her medic.

"It would be wise since you are very close to your due date. Do you need help getting some things together?" Jade asked as she helped her stand.

"No, I brought a good amount of clothes in that scroll just in case," the patient said as she pointed to the scroll tucked in the pocket of the jacket.

After helping her last patient of the day get to her assigned room and went to change out of her clinic uniform so she could go get Naruko. It took very little time to get into some casual clothes and sign out, but by the time she said goodbye and stepped outside she saw the storm clouds overhead that weren't there earlier. She quickly unsealed her umbrella from her scroll and left to pick up her daughter. The rumble of thunder was heard as she turned the corner and it started to drizzle so it was no surprise to find that Naruko was not waiting outside of the school. Jade went inside to find her, but found Minami holding a panic stricken little blonde.

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