Bubble of Trouble

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He only heard one pair of footsteps coming a little bit later and a lovely voice, "Hello, I'm here to give a massage-oh!" Kimimaro's eyes widened in shock, almost missing the bandaged man down the hall headed towards them. There was no mistake. The young blonde, who clearly recognized him as well, was Naruko ...


Danzo's eyes narrowed when he saw Orochimaru's white haired servant with a member of the resort's staff, "What's going on here?"

The blonde girl turned and smiled politely, "I'm Maki. I was just waiting to give a massage. Can I help you, sir?" She asked as politely as she could, but she was mentally smacking herself for her name choice. If she knew at the beginning of this mission she would've never chosen her current name, which was a short version of Uzumaki.

"No." The old bandaged man said as his eyebrow twitched wildly and he shot the snake sage's servant a glare, "I see your master has already taken advantage of my hospitality."

Kimimaro scoffed, "So? You invited my master. You clearly want something so just be thankful we're even here."

A nasty scowl came to the old ninja's lips, "Let me speak with him-"

"I'll check to see if he's ready." Kimimaro said as he turned to the hotel door, though he glanced at Naruko not entirely sure what to do. Without any other idea he knocked on the door.

"What is it?" Orochimaru asked through the door.

"The old bandaged man is here and," Kimimaro looked at Naruko and felt concerned about announcing her, "The woman is here to give the massage too."

Naruko smiled calmly despite knowing who these men were, "If you want to wait and talk first I can come back." She called out loud enough to be heard through the door.

Danzo scoffed, "That would be a good idea-"

"I wanted that massage." Orochimaru could be heard saying before he finally opened the door showing that he was only in a white robe. "And if you want me to even consider anything you say then you will let this young lady join us." He raised an eyebrow at the disapproving look on Danzo's face and crossed his arms. "You picked this place so I'm assuming you checked it out, right?"

The old bandaged man scoffed, "Of course-"

"And you didn't find anything, thus the invitation." The snake sage concluded and promptly opened the door wider to let the young woman inside.

"My name is Maki and I'll be your masseuse today." Naruko said as she went over to the tall set of shelves that doubled as a wet bar, but with a gentle tug of the heavy case it tipped forward.

The ninjas were slightly fascinated by the way the shelves all swiveled to perfectly balance everything on them and the case folded down to reveal that the case was also a large firm massage bed. Embedded in the wall, that was once hidden by the case of shelves when it was standing, was a lovely glass case filled with different bottles, small towels and two U shaped padded pillows. The young woman stepped on the bed platform to open the case in the wall and took out a U-shaped padded object and went to the other end of the bed. With a simple click she revealed that it was a headrest.

"Will this be a couple's massage?" Naruko asked innocently.

Kabuto shrugged when Orochimaru glanced at him, " I'm more interested in the baths."

Naruko smiled, "Then please lay down, sir. Do want a scented lotion or non scented?"

Orochimaru smirked and leaned in frighteningly close, "The most expensive." He whispered as Danzo pulled a chair over so they could talk.

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