Hello Petri Mission

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Lulu looked at Naruko, "Kimimaro was just escorted to the morgue." She said and Naruko felt her heart shatter ...


Jade saw her daughter's lovely blue eyes well up with tears and tweaked Lulu's ear, "Start at the beginning."

"Ow!" Lulu pouted and rubbed her ear, but then her eyes widened when she saw Naruko's face. "Oops! Not the best place to start. Kimimaro is fine. He's awake and he was escorted to the morgue in Firefly to help the queen with something. I was asked to deliver the news personally because the queen wants you to help."

Naruko immediately lit up and wiped the tears away, "Of course!"

Lulu grinned, "Your team is there too so you can leave once the task is done."

"I'm all set!" Naruko exclaimed happily with her spiders bouncing eagerly on her head. She immediately left with Lulu and Jade. When they got to the morgue specifically for that ally village she was surprised to see a few people working to clear an area right outside the building. "Looks like ... they're getting ready to make a large seal network." She deduced when she noticed the area was also being flattened, which would be necessary for a complicated series of seals.

Lulu nodded, "You'll see when we're in the morgue." She said and the queen's guard guided them into the building. After going to the chilly basement they found Gina, the queen and a wheelchair bound Kimimaro examining the bodies that were on the trays that roll out of the drawers in the wall. "We're here, my queen!"

"Perfect timing." Queen Reine said and smiled as Naruko rushed over to Kimimaro's side. "Should we even risk removing the body from this area?" She asked the white haired spy.

Kimimaro shook his head, "Every lab experiment I've witnessed takes place in cold sterile so it probably wouldn't be best to not risk it. The body does need to be very fresh or even barely alive otherwise it might not work."

Queen Reine nodded and looked at Jade and Naruko, "The blueprints for the morgue and seal network we are going to use are in these files." She said and gestured to the files on the counter. "Help coordinate things so the center of the seal is the center of this room. Preferably that table right there." The queen ordered while pointing at the empty rolling table waiting in the center of the room.

Naruko nodded and reluctantly left Kimimaro's side. After looking over the documents, which were pictures that apparently were printed out from a portable camera, they carefully mapped out the room. It would make for an interesting procedure considering the room wasn't a massive lab, but with a little planning it's possible.

Granted, it would be far easier if they could use the much larger morgue in the official village of Cave, but Naruto quickly realized why it had to be done this way. The main reason was that Kimimaro couldn't get into Cave because of the forest and he would be needed for this plan to work. As a bonus they wanted a very specific corpse for this task.

Jade examined the blueprints for the building, "The blueprints show that this part of the morgue sticks out so now that they cleared the area there shouldn't be anything above us."

The blonde nodded as she looked at the seal details, "Ok, the seal will need to branch off, but these two parts don't need to be connected so I'll do the inner circle. The outer circle will need to be 20 feet at its smallest." Naruko said and looked up at the ceiling. "With the difference of two floors we need to make sure to keep track of the progress of the seals between the teams so they are lined up. I'll face north and send my chakra straight up to mark the center of the seal on the ground above so everything lines up." She said and put a little ''N' for north on the bottom of the copy of the seal notes so they knew which way to recreate everything.

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