I See You're Hot

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After all, he also noticed the subtle presence of people watching his home. They were waiting to take the girl, who was inside the house ...


Kimimaro looked over at the lovely blue eyed ninja as she unsealed a black uniform and got ready, "Do you have to go? What happens if you're spotted?" He asked despite them just getting a bug saying that Haru was being watched. Just because some of their enemies' attention is on the bait doesn't mean it wasn't dangerous. Everything could change in an instant.

"I was planning to have Clara, Nina and Tina go with cameras, but we need to know something first." Naruko said and pulled her shirt off not caring that Kimimaro was right there and blushing brightly. Maybe too much stimulation for him because he started coughing. The blue eyed ninja helped Kimimaro get his mask before she finished putting on the black uniform. "I won't be getting too close. I promise. Once we figure out what the security system is like we'll leave and switch to long distance." She said and kissed Kimimaro on the cheek.

Jade came out of the bathroom with Sana and both were wearing a similar black uniform, "You definitely won't be. Sana will do a brief scan with her Sharingan, I'll provide a mist for cover and you will use your wires to move a camera bug around. This will be a fast thing."

"Ok. Be careful of the cameras." Kimimaro said remembering the photos that Danzo was lucky enough to get. None of those pictures were clear and they didn't convince Orochimaru, but they still gave Danzo a reason to suspect something. A camera at a certain angle and distance could put her in danger.

Naruko smiled, "Yeah, we're not going to pass the tree line. If we stay right behind a thick tree and mom's jutsu hides us just enough then we should cut off the chances of the cameras seeing us." She said as Kimimaro calmed down a bit and settled on charging the scroll, the one the Queen gave him, with his chakra.

After Naruko double checked Kimimaro's vitals the three ninjas put on some civilian clothes over their dark uniforms. The trio casually left as if to get something to eat, but they just so happened to pick a road that took them towards a certain compound. Just like any tourists they bought a few things including funny masks from the shops that were open late and had some fun with their souvenirs.

Once they got to an empty and dark part of the street closest to their target, which was between two streetlights, a dark mist slowly appeared around the tourists. The plastic souvenir bags were set down as the area started to blend in with the darkness of the night. For the most part it looked like everything melted slowly away except for the streetlights. The mist very quickly consumed those lights and stayed there. It looked like the two closest streetlights suddenly lost power and everything began.

Without waiting for an order Sana activated her Sharingan. However, no one would know since she was wearing a pair of large fancy sunglasses, which was a souvenir she bought. With a simple nod they removed their civilian layer of clothing, sealed those clothes away and disappeared against the black mist.

Naruko carefully stepped in the exact spots that Sana pointed out so she knew that no seals were tripped. As they approached the trees surrounding the compound Naruko's nearly invisible wires carried a fake bug further ahead. To make sure they weren't seen on a camera they stayed behind a tree and waited.

While under the protection of a few drifting tendrils of the Cave Dweller's Cloak, Naruko guided the bug slowly past the trees and right up to the gate of the Namikaze compound. Every few inches the bug did a spin to see everything around it. Granted, it was very dark and small wisps of Jade's dark mist seeped away like a little mist drifting by, but the fake bug was still used. It was taken all the way to the Namikaze gate before the unseen wires made it seemingly fly upwards, twist around and finally fly back.

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