Eyes on You

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"About that conversation you heard ..." Danzo's bandaged hand easily moved out of its sling and pulled the bandage over his eye down. Those blue eyes widened as they saw a spinning Sharingan instead of an injured eye. "You won't remember it." The blue eyes glazed over and Danzo dropped her on the ground.


Sana and Haru saw the blonde on the floor and ran to her side, "Maki! Are you ok?" They could sense Danzo stalking nearby so they stuck to their civilian roles.

Naruko slowly sat up, "Yes ... I must've fainted." She said, but once Danzo was truly gone she smirked and gently pulled out a clear contact lens from each eye. If you look closely you could see a seal on each lens as they were put in a little contact lens case filled with fluid. "It worked and Clara tagged him." She said as a large blue spider came out of Naruko's pocket and pulled her hair back in a low ponytail and the two little spiders crawled out of Sana's sleeve and took their places as Naruko's earrings.

"Good. That's less to worry about." Sana said before handing Naruko an earpiece. "Let's continue our mission."

"Yeah." Naruko said as she put the earpiece in her ear. "We can report this side issue later." The three women went to pretend to clean up and turn in for the night, but they were also listening to a strange conversation.

'Does she know anything?' One very nervous voice could be heard saying.

'How could she?' A much calmer male voice said, 'Just keep up what you have been doing and you will be fine.'

'But ... ok, you're right. I'm just worried that someone will notice that the lotion bottles are-'

'You shouldn't be talking about that and it's only one randomly chosen room at a time so it's unlikely anyone will notice. He's coming again tonight so be ready.' The calmer man muttered.

Sana hummed, "Finally, we have a break!" She said out loud, but when they got to the rooms set aside for the staff they pulled out a set of tags. Each tag had a room number save for the one Naruko added to the pile, which Naruko wrote 'Danzo' on.

"They were pretty good at keeping quiet about this." Haru said as she helped arrange the tags. "I checked 302 out today and it hasn't been filled yet.

Naruko nodded as she put the 302 tag with the ten other tags that she separated from the rest, "11 possible drop off sights ... we all agree that none of the guests are the accomplice?" Naruko asked as she kept an eye on the 'Danzo' tag.

"Considering the amount of money it takes to book any room here and the amount of money involved it just wouldn't be affordable. The manager is so cheap he's making me water down the lotions so it wouldn't make sense." Sana reasoned logically.

Haru hummed thoughtfully, "and we ruled out every other staff member too. Really all that's left is entering from outside so it's time to kill the courier."

"Actually I had a thought about that." Naruko mused as the tag 105 lit up. It was one of the rooms that shouldn't have someone entering it, which means the manager was going in. "We don't want to straight up piss off the groups this manager and his friend are paying, but those groups can't continue getting funded ... especially the Akatsuki." Naruko shivered slightly. "It might be worth swapping out the rooms so the courier goes elsewhere like one closer to a certain snake."

Sana smirked, "Let the courier walk too close to Orochimaru. Danzo didn't care enough about the illegal activity involving civilians when he investigated, but Orochimaru will gladly kill if his good time is interrupted ... he already has a beef with the Akatsuki, right?"

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