Closing In

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"Yes ... what rooted hideouts could a bug find?" Jade chuckled playfully as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a fake bug ...


"This was a massive failure." Hiruzen whined as he looked through the reports in front of Danzo, who was the only one on the council able to come to the meeting. Everyone else was helping to clean up the mess or in the hospital with wounds from the failed festival.

Danzo scoffed, "Yumi and Yobaba are ok." He muttered, not really caring about the aftermath of the festival madness from the day before. Yes, it was his ROOT agents that leaked the information they learned while spying on Naruko and it led to the festival. However, that plan didn't work out and since it wasn't helpful in completing his goals he refused to take responsibility.

All things considered Danzo had just as many reasons to be pissed. However, the reasons weren't the same. Hiruzen wanted to mend a few bonds. Danzo wanted the festival to lure Naruko out into the open to capture her. Both plans were ruined one way or another.

"Yes ... but they were only safe because of their bodyguard, who isn't a Leaf ninja." Hiruzen grumbled.

"Very true." Danzo muttered not really interested in the conversation. "That could lead to problems in the future. It wouldn't be good if our sponsors thought we were weak." Danzo said before getting bored with wasting his time here. He left without another word leaving Hiruzen to his thoughts. "Any news?" He ordered the ROOT who ran up to him the moment he went into the ROOT hideout.

"Yes, sir. Tsunade and Shizune agreed to help in the hospital. Jiraiya got a letter from his publisher and went to deal with that. It's only Kakashi and the demon vessel in the house. There was also a sighting of the Akatsuki in the area." The ROOT agent reported.

Danzo nodded slowly as he pondered how to best use this chance, "Add several false reports to the hospital. Plus, add a false sighting of Naruko running from the village to distract the Akatsuki before you collect her. That should hopefully give us a day, at least. Tell Sasuke to get here." He ordered and saw one ROOT agent leave to deliver the message. "Has a way into the house been found?"

An agent nodded, "We think we can get in through the basement floor."

"Do that the second the sun goes down. Don't let Kakashi discover you. This has to be done before the Akatsuki enter the village." Danzo ordered.

The last thing he needed was for the Akatsuki to find his breeding stock. Everyone knows that the demon vessel was staying with Kakashi and everyone knows exactly where that is. It will be too easy for Itachi to get one villager to reveal everything. That meant he had to get her out of the way.


"Damn." Sasuke grumbled before he suddenly launched a fireball and destroyed an innocent tree he was using to train with. As the tree crackled in the flames. 'That entire festival was a waste." He grumbled, ignoring the startled bird, who was eating a bug in the very tree he was training with. It was just pure luck that the bird got away before being set ablaze.

At this point the festival only happened a few moments ago. He decided to opt out of helping and train all his frustration away instead. After all, his only concern was getting to Naruko.

For a moment he considered just killing Kakashi, Jiraiya, Tsunade and Shizune. However, the reasonable part of his mind told him it might not be a wise idea. No matter how much he wanted to just remove the obstacles in his way and take her he knew it would cause too much trouble.

"Danzo had better report something soon." Sasuke muttered in annoyance as he went into his manor on the edge of the deserted Uchiha compound. The very compound he desired to fill up with Uchihas. Sure enough he was visited by a ROOT agent the next day.

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