Getting Started

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"Nothing too extreme," Jade said casually. As she explained the points of her punishment she watched Naruko's face change from sad to confused to finally very happy ...


Jade heard crying in the middle of the night and got out of bed. She softly opened the door to Naruko's room, "Are you ok, Naruko?"

"Yeah ... bad dream." The little girl sniffled. Nightmares were common for her, but now she had someone to help her feel better. She has been here living with Jade for almost a week now.

"I see. Want to talk about it?" asked Jade softly as she laid down next to Naruko and cuddled her close.

Naruko stayed silent for a minute as she relaxed against the ninja's chest and sighed happily to the feeling of Jade's fingers running through her hair "It ... it was about my fourth birthday ... a ninja with a dog mask came and dragged me to a group of people ... they beat me and said the scariest things and then threw me into a river." Naruko whimpered and began to tremble as she recalled the vivid dream, which she knew was a memory.

The raven haired woman cuddled the girl closer to sooth her, "It's ok. They can't get you now ... shh go back to sleep. I'll stay with you ... we have a busy morning ahead."

The little girl smiled and slowly drifted off to a much more peaceful sleep. Jade watched the adorable blonde's sleeping face with a sense of satisfaction that she did the right thing even more powerful than before. If even the ninjas of that foolish village were tormenting her why would they think Naruko would side with them at all? Yes, Naruko will be better off here and tomorrow she will get everything to start Naruko's training.

The rest of the night was very peaceful. Both woke up ready for the day. They quickly got dressed and their breakfast was quickly devoured before they left for town to shop. It will be a fun day for both of them. Jade has the day off from the breeders clinic so she was going to get everything Naruko will need for the academy including a weapon that wasn't the standard kunai or shuriken.

It was a little early since the academy doesn't start for a couple months, but there's no harm in starting early. Besides, Jade wanted to help Naruko with chakra control because she suspected the little girl would have trouble with that with having so much chakra. A common trait for demon vessels and if she was a genuine Uzumaki too chakra control will be even more problematic ...

"Hey Jade, what do you do at the Breeders clinic?" asked Naruko as they went through the shops.

Jade smiled down at the curious child. Now that Naruko has decided to be a ninja she may as well be blunt about it, "Do you remember what I said a breeder was?"

"Yes, a brave woman who collects abilities from other places using her body." Naruko chirped.

"Exactly! The abilities that are collected are called bloodlines. Bloodlines can be passed from parent to child like the Sharingan in your village. First, a spy like myself will get information on the family including risks and number of men in the clan or family. The spy will return and give all that information to the Breeders clinic. The Breeders clinic selects the best suited woman of those who volunteer for the job, known as a Breeder, and that woman goes to the village and seduces a man from the clan. The Breeder will cast a special jutsu on herself to help promote fertility and she will become pregnant with the man's child. She will quickly return to the village and stay at the clinic so her pregnancy can be monitored closely. I am one of the medics who help Breeders through their pregnancy until their baby is born and after too." Jade explained as they went into a weapons shop. Over the time they have been together she realized that Naruko was a clever girl and would understand.

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