Chapter 33: Hellish

Start from the beginning

      "You were amazing, Jimin…" Seung-Woo continued to praise Jimin. Leaving the man to look down at the unopened cap of the canned coffee. "Should I bring you breakfast? You look like you haven't eaten a thing. Are you going to drink the coffee?"

        "I… I don't like coffee…" Jimin lied. Just then, Yoongi walked by and grabbed the canned coffee into his hands from Jimin and opened the cap to let out a chuckle.

        "I do!" Laughed the man as he kept walking forward with many other makeup artists trying to keep Yoongi's makeup clean before the commercial recordings.

         "Let me get you something you like… Your brother said you're a big eater… What do you want to eat? I'll get you anything. Take this as thanks for coming out today and modelling for us." Seung-Woo mentioned as Jimin looked up at the man's eyes for once and grew nervous just to have him step any closer.

         "Surprise me." Jimin answered and figured that this was enough to make Mr. Yoshida leave for a while as he modelled. This made Jimin smile just knowing the man wouldn't be constantly looking at him as he struck poses or acted for the commercial. "Thank you…" Jimin said with a smile. Making the man finally think he had a chance when in reality, Jimin was only smiling because of the relief he had just knowing the man will miss so much. Seung-Woo didn't spend another second to throw on his coat and pat Jimin on the shoulder before walking off to get Jimin breakfast. Just then, Yoongi walked close to Jimin once more and let out a scoff while he drank out of the canned coffee. "What do you want now, Yoongi?"

         "I just think that you're playing hard to get. How could you push him away? If I was gay, I'll be all over him." Yoongi mentioned as Jimin shook his head bitterly.

         "No. I have a boyfriend already and I love him so much… I won't give that man a chance even if he was the last man on earth!"

          "Harsh… I would have kept them both. Just saying!" Yoongi joked around and made Jimin shove him and walk off. "I was kidding!" Yoongi shouted and that left the makeup artists to chase after Yoongi once more; just to make sure his makeup wasn't smudged. "FUCK! LET ME BREATHE FOR ONCE!" Shouted Yoongi as he speed walked away from the makeup artists like an elderly person. After, Jimin sat over the couch and thought to himself as he kept his head down. Not wanting to think about the older man that was oddly attracted to him.

         "He just… Doesn't get it, does he?" Jimin questioned in his head until a sudden sting bothered him completely. The feeling felt like needles… Just as if he was being watched from afar. This led his gaze off to a corner up ahead from Yoongi's dressing room. Right at the door, Kim Taehyung stood staring. Yet, it wasn't any type of stare… It was a stare that felt more concerned than anything else. "I've always wondered… What's wrong with Mr. Yoshida's assistant? Taehyung always looks concerned or worried… is he okay?" Jimin questioned on in his small head. Only then, Jimin stood up. Making Taehyung's eyes blow wide and look away. Playing it off as if he wasn't busy staring. "There he goes again… What's wrong with him?" Jimin whispered to himself where Taehyung only watched Jimin's lips move carefully.

        "Where do you think you're going?" Spoke a deep and familiar voice that seemed to cause Jimin to smile so suddenly. As Jimin looked to the hand that held his wrist, Jimin smiled and turned his vision to fix over to his own boyfriend. Finally, Jungkook was here. Jungkook stood with his devilish and breathtaking stare while the look on his face was complimented by a black dress shirt tucked into grey slacks with a black leather belt, black and polished classy shoes, along with a monochrome colored Rolex over his wrist. The strong cologne filled Jimin's nose and caused him to smile gleefully.

        "Jungkook, you came!!" Jimin spoke happily and instantly jumped into his lover's arms. "I'm sorry I left you just to come here, I needed you to come so-"

        "I'd like to see how you feel once I turn you on and leave you to touch yourself. Ah, anyway…" Jungkook added and glided his fingertips along the sides of Jimin's neck. "Enough about that… Long story short, I'm still upset. Yet, I managed to make time for you and here I am."

        "I'm sorry… Hey! You're here and that's all that matters! Oh I'm so glad to have you here and it makes me feel more safer than I did before. Mr. Yoshida makes me feel so uncomfortable… The things he does are friendly… but it always seems to make me feel so weird and uncomfortable…" Jimin told Jungkook as he looked around and pulled away from Jungkook's grasps just so the people around them wouldn't give them any judging glares.

        "Where is he?" Jungkook asked with no other hesitation. Leading towards Jimin, quickly grabbing Jungkook by the hands and giggling it off.

         "He's… not here… he went to get me breakfast. But, as long as you're here, I'll feel-"

         "Hey." Yoongi interrupted as he was now sipping out of a straw, sticking out of a box of apple juice. With the teasing aura he had wrapped around his finger, Yoongi gave a small smirk as his eyes did the rest; staring at Jungkook as if he had many things to say. "Do you… Want to join us in the photoshoot?"

        "What?" Jungkook asked as Jimin grew excited at the thought. "Why would I do that?"

         "You have the glare, you have the looks…" Yoongi continued as Jimin then hugged Jungkook tightly. "Your boyfriend wants you to do it.."

         "No, sorry. I'm too busy for that."

         "You'll like the next part of our commercial. One of us has to take our shirt off and I don't strip for no one." Yoongi teased as he patted Jungkook's shoulder roughly over his muscles. "You can do it. Just so your boyfriend wouldn't have to."

         "Please Jungkook! I don't want to take my shirt off!" Jimin begged as Jungkook only shook his head and kept his hands in his pockets.

          "Alright then, Jimin you better take your shirt off for this one because I like my clothes on. It's planned out that one of us needs to strip for the camera and that seems to be the last thing on my to do list before I die. Why? Because this a skin of a killer, Jimin." Yoongi added and with that, he walked off once more. This alone left Jimin to panic. He knew Mr. Yoshida would be back and the worst thing he'll do is watch Jimin take off his shirt before the camera and the staff.

          "Of course it was planned… I bet Mr. Yoshida knew Yoongi doesn't like taking off his clothes! He's their company's model. Why wouldn't Seung-Woo know that?! This was just his plan to make ME take my shirt off…" Jimin argued on in his head as Jungkook folded his arms and looked at Jimin.

         "We're leaving." Jungkook told Jimin and this alone left Jimin's eyes to widen. "You won't be stripping for no one but me. I can't do it since this isn't my company and when I do reveal who I am, I don't want this to follow and weigh in on my reputation for supporting other companies so freely. They'll walk all over me."

         "Jungkook, I understand now… But, I can't leave. This is for my father, look how happy he is!" Jimin continued as he looked off to the side to see his father talking to Jihyun. "He wants this collaboration."

         "He could have a collaboration with me again. I don't see why you all have to go low for a collaboration like this. It's worth millions but not billions." Jungkook mentioned and grabbed Jimin by the hand. "I don't want you to show anyone your skin other than me… You know how jealous I get. You don't want to see me upset Jimin, I have to go back to work eventually and I'll be taking you home… or should I leave you here to show off your body to everyone just for your father's sake. Make your choice. Just drop this stupid campaign."

        Right off the bat, Jimin noticed the light that shed into Jungkook's hellish jealousy; the first layer to what uncovered the darker side to Jeon Jungkook. However, Jimin just could never disrespect his family company by just giving up this small portion to record him shirtless for at least fifteen seconds. He noticed how jealous Jungkook was and all Jimin did was think to himself. Seeing his father happy towards his oldest son at the photoshoot made Jimin grow too guilty to stop even if Mr. Yoshida had to eventually come back to see Jimin during the recording.

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