chapter 35

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Copyright (c) akm


Chapter Thirty Five


At lunch, Nathan interlocks our fingers as we go to the lunch line. He just buys a bag of Cheetos and a Gatorade, but I order a slice of pizza, water, and Lays. As I take out my money, Nathan beats me to it, paying for my food. I stick out my tongue.

"You know I hate it when you buy my stuff, Nathan," I tell him, picking up my lunch and walk to our usual table. I slide down on my seat and he sits next to me.

"I know, but I don't care. You're my girlfriend, I've gotta pay for something for you and it's not gonna be clothes," he replies with a wink. "Hey guys," he greets everyone at the table.

"Hey, Pam, did he really put you in a cold shower this morning?" Lee asks, mouth stuffed with pizza.

"Don't talk with your mouth full," I scold, taking a bite of my pizza.

"Well, did he?" Carly asks, smacking her boyfriend for his lovely manners.

I look at Nathan but he's very interested in his bag of Cheetos, actually reading the Nutrition Facts on the back. I purse my lips in thought, elbowing Nathan in the arm before answering a yes. They burst out laughing and I take a sip of water.

"Ow," Nathan whines, rubbing his arm, "what was that for?"

"Telling everyone about putting me in the shower this morning," I reply.

"We have abusive women," Lee says to Nathan.

"I know, right."

Carly and I laugh and roll our eyes, kissing our guys' cheeks. They sigh in defeat. We're too lovable.

"Oh, we gotta go," Carly says to me, standing up and packing up her other food. I nod and do the same, sliding some stuff in my bag as I check the time. We've got five minutes to get the dance tickets.

"Go where?" Nathan and Lee ask simultaneously.

"To get the dance tickets," I answer, pulling Nathan up with me. "You do wanna go with me, don't you?"

"Yeah, of course. But . . ."

"But what?" I cross my arms over my chest and look at him expectantly.

"But it's our lunch time," he answers in a sad voice. I laugh and pull him with me to the classroom where dance tickets are sold. Rachel's right behind us and we all start digging out our money.

"Don't you dare pay for my dance, too," I warn him as we get in line. There's only a few people waiting and the sellers are going pretty fast. I glance down at my fifty-dollar bill, turning it in my fingers to observe the pictures.

Soon enough we're up to the desk. The girl takes our money together and exchanges them for tickets. It's dark blue with twinkling stars, and gold writing that says "A Night Under The Stars." They pick themes all the time, and I like this one. Most people don't even go by it anyway, though. It's just to look pretty.

The bell rings and we separate to go to class. I don't see Nathan again until he meets me at my last class. I scoop up a binder and head to my locker to put it in.

"Oh, yeah, I'm going dress shopping today. Rachel's gonna pick me up which means I won't be riding with you," I say as I place a textbook on top of the notebook. He looks at me horrified.

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