chapter 24

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty-Four:

Nighttime . . . Finally

"What happened?"

I sighed. This would take a lot of explaining. I take his hand and pull him with me to what I think is the way to the lobby. I was starting to get hungry and thirsty and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we grabbed a snack or two.

The big room was devoid of people except for the old lady at the front desk. She just smiled as we passed, barely glancing up from her spectacles. It looked like she was playing a game on the computer. The walls were painted a creamy almond color and the spongy white chairs looked brand new. Baskets of magizines sat on the wooden tables and the ceiling fan buzzed just below the volume of the TV. Some car comercial was on. I spotted the snack machine first and let go of his hand as I bounced one step in front of it. I tapped my chin as I observed.

Candy, granola bars, and chips, waiting to fall from their hold. I perused the choices, bending over to check the bottom rows. It was hard, really. But a King sized Twix sounded really, really delicious so I pressed the buttons. Nothing happened. I tried again. And again. Until Nathan gently took my hand, smoothed out a dollar bill from his wallet and inserted it into the slot. It whirred for a moment, accepting the money immediately unlike ours at the skate park. He jabbed the buttons I had tried and the holder slowly began to uncoil until the package dropped down with a small thump.

"Oh." I reached down and snatched it, plopping down in the closest seat. Nathan sat in the one next to me, turning his head expectantly for the story. I rip open the side and nibble on the first stick as Nathan grabs the second. I try to grab it but he held it just out of reach, both of us laughing.

He pops it in his mouth and chews contentedly. "So-"

"Don't talk with your mouth full."

He swallows. "So are you gonna tell me or am I gonna have to tickle it out of you?"

I squeal when he pokes my side, giggling and choking at once. I swallow carefully, but my throat is dry. I stand, taking the dollar he offers me and pick a water bottle from the machine. I gulp it down and sit again while Nathan's eyes expectantly wait for me to tell him everything.

I do. Not leaving anything out. He nods his head, occasionally taking another chomp of the chocolate and chewing noisily so I smack him. He just laughs, mumbling something about me being cute when I was mad. Of course he thought that. I let it slide after the roll of my eyes. His expression goes serious.

"So he didn't do anything else? Other than the hug?" I shake my head, licking my fingers. "Man, I wanted a reason to punch him." I smack him again.

"He's your brother, Nathan, whether you like it or not," I scold. He scowls, crossing his arms over his chest and pouting out his bottom lip. I lean towards him, resting my head on his shoulder. "You need to give him a chance. Trust him. And me."

"I do trust you," he grumbles, "but not him. He likes you, Pammy. I know it. He wants to take you away . . . from me. I can't let that happen." He places his cheek on my head. "You're my world."

"It won't happen," I tell him. "You're mine, too."

"Good." He kisses my forehead. "Now, I think everything's fine here. I don't have to stay. It's about-" he checks the clock above the old lady's desk. "-midnight and I am just so ready to pass out. How are you feeling?"

My eyes now droop at the thought of tiredness. I hadn't realized how weak and exhausted my body felt. I nod my head, yawning and stretching as I stand. He takes my hand and leads me back to Dylan's room. His parents sit in the chairs by the bedside, his mother rambling on with his father's occasional nod. As soon as I look at him, his head slowly turns and his eyes lock on mine. When his mother sees him focused on something else, she looks up as Nathan points towards the exit. She shakes her head but he nods happily, waving her off and walking away.

The walk back seems so much slower, because we have no adrenaline and no energy. He pushes the door open for me and the warm air brushes my skin, goosebumps prickling up. The moon is brightly lit, a crescent shape. When tilted to the side it could be one of the Cheshire cat's creepy grins. The thought makes me smile and I settle into the car seat, not really paying attention to what I was doing. I looked around but nothing really focused. I leaned my head back when Nathan put his arm on the back of my seat, closing my eyes.

I didn't realize I'd fallen asleep until Nathan gently kissed me awake. I blink a few times before stretching and yawning again. He rounds the car to my side, opening the door with a gust of air.

"Carry me?" I mumble, smiling as I raise my arms.

Without complaining or hesitating, he picks me up and kicks the door closed behind us. I lay my head against him, happy where I was. He somehow fumbles with his keys and gets the front door open, balancing me while cimbing the stairs. He also manages to open his room, where he carefully sets me down on the bed. I snuggled into it, his familiar smell filling my nose. With one eye peeked open, I see him looking through his closet for something, not suspecting anything.

So as quietly as I can, I sneak behind him and yank his pants down, giggling hysterically when they reveal his Lucky Charms boxers. He just shakes his head, pulling his loose pants back up before throwing me over his shoulder and spinning around in circles so many times I'm dizzy. I can't breathe I'm laughing so hard, and I calm down when he tucks me under his comforter and clicks off the light. He slips in beside me, curling his arms around me. I can feel the warmth enveloping me and it makes me smile.

"What a day," he sighs quietly, brushing the hair out of my face. He yawns at the same time I do and chuckles. "It's been really long, don't you think?"

"Mm-hm." I can't form words right now.

He kisses my nose. "Night, Pammy."

I try to say it back but I'm already out of it.


Aww I think it's sweet :) what about you guys?

Okay, so I think it's a late upload but I'm not sure.  I'm sorry though if it is because I have projects and homeowork and such.  It's the end of the year and teachers decide to work us to death -_-

Anyway, I was looking at how many reads I have and I was shocked.  THANK YOU ALL :)


You know the drill ;) Upload when I feel like it.  Have a wonderful day ^^

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