chapter 44

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Copyright (c) akm


Chapter Forty-Four

No Matter What

While we were getting ice cream, we both ordered and sat at a table outside the building.  He offered me some of his by his spoon and with those eyes, I just had to for him.  I reached for it with my hand, but he pulled back.

            "Nope, I wanna feed you," he said playfully.  I rolled my eyes and leaned forward so he could, but instead he entirely missed my mouth, but got everything else around it.  I stuck my tongue out at him.  "You've got a little something right—" He leaned forward and licked my cheek.  "—there."

            "Ew, Dylan!" I exclaimed, wiping my face with a napkin. 

            "Want some more help?" he offered, wagging his eyebrows.

            "No thank you, but I think I can help you," I retorted, taking a scoopful of mine and shoving it on his face.  His mouth dropped in disbelief and I batted my eyelashes innocently.

            "I cannot believe you just did that, Pam," he told me.  "You're going to pay for that."  He tried to get me again but I moved away, picking up my cup as I stood.  "Come here now," he ordered playfully.  I shook my head and took a bite of my ice cream.  He stood up and I squealed, running down the overhang of the shopping center.  We laughed together and he was catching up to me fast but I didn't see his ice cream in his hand anymore, so I didn't worry.

            "Gotcha!" he said, squeezing my sides so I screamed.  He kept tickling me, and I was dying with laughter as I tried not to spill my ice cream. 

            "Dylan, stop, stop!" I begged. 

            "Okay, if you admit I win," he replied, continuing to tickle me without stopping.  I shook my head, too stubborn to give in.  But after a few more moments, I gave in.

            "Okay, okay, you win!  Let go of me!"

            "Well that wasn't part of the bargain," he answered, sliding his arms protectively around me from behind.  "Maybe I don't want to let go of you."

            "Hm, I guess that wasn't part of the bargain."

            He smiled and kissed my cheek, resting his head on my shoulder as I ate more of my cookie dough treat.  Then his kisses started to trail along my neck, and it took me a minute to remember it wasn't Nathan doing it, and it felt weird.  I pulled away so I could throw out my cup, but really I didn't want him to do that to me. 

            "So, you wanna go back to my house?" he asked.

            I wasn't sure how that'd turn out, but I didn't have any excuse not to.  So I agreed and we walked back to the car, holding hands.  He politely opened the door for me and I gave him a knowing look.  He was trying to gain some points from being a jerk earlier.  He just grinned and I rolled my eyes.  It was funny how fast I was forgiving him.

            He drove with one hand on the wheel and one on my thigh.  I preferred if he were to hold my hand, but I didn't say anything.  We pulled into his driveway and I grabbed my bag from the backseat before stepping out.  He took my hand again, even just to walk up the path to his house.  I guess it was just him making sure everyone knew I was his, being the overprotective type he was.

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