chapter 40

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Copyright (c) akm


Chapter Forty:


I couldn't find my voice for a moment, so when I tried to talk, it came out a stutter.


            They pulled away immediately and the girl turned around to look at me.  Her lips curved into a smirk and I was so shocked right then, I didn't know what was going on.  I noticed the cup of punch spilled on the floor, probably the drink he was supposed to be getting me before he got side-tracked.  I looked back to my whole world and the girl.  Then I noticed who it was.

            "Really, Nathan?" I said, my voice shot with anger and sadness.  "Did it have to be Jenna?"

            "The guys just can't resist me.  Sorry, hun, but there's just no competition," she retorted, blowing me a kiss. 

            "Shut your face," I snapped at her, a few teardrops rolling down my face.  There were a couple people gathered now, just naturally loving the drama before them that came with high school. 


            "Nathan, don't," I whispered, my voice breaking as I tried to bite back the tears.  "Out of all the people in the world, I never would've thought my best friend would cheat on me.  What happened to forever?  We're done."  I ripped the necklace off my neck and threw it at him, watching it land on the floor at his feet with a small clang. 

            Dylan pushed through the crowd to stand next to me, his face turning to immediate shock as he observed everything.  Then he glared at Nathan. 

            "What's going on here?" he flamed. 

            "Dylan," Nathan growled.  "What did you—"

            "What did you do?" Dylan yelled as he saw the tears streaming down my face.  "Pam, what's wrong?"

            As if it wasn't bad enough, Jenna quickly pulled Nathan's lips to hers so they could kiss again.  Everything hit me hard right then, so I ran out before anyone could see me cry anymore.  I could hear Nathan call my name, along with Dylan. 


            I didn't listen; I didn't let anyone touch me.  I just raced out and down the street, not caring that I'd left my shoes in there.  I was thankful I'd grabbed my purse, but instead of calling my step-mom or dad or someone to come pick me up, I shoved my headphones in and blasted my music, ignoring all the phone calls from people.  I didn't want to go home or anywhere at all.  I just wanted to walk.  It was a little cool tonight, the pavement feeling amazing on my sore feet.  I just let them take me wherever, and I ended up at the front of some small woods.  I wandered into them, not caring if I'd get lost.  I tripped a few times and got my hair stuck in some branches, but nothing I couldn't handle.  I found myself in a clearing and sat.  I wrapped my arms around my legs, looking up at the stars and moon above me and then I completely lost it. 

            My music helped a little, but there was nothing that could stop me from crying my heart out.  Nathan was my whole world, and he'd just left me like that.  For someone like Jenna, of all people.  I wasn't sure if it'd work between us, but I thought it'd just be something smaller that would break us up.  I never would've thought he'd cheat on me.  He was my best friend, wasn't he?  All the years of tree-climbing and Life and bike-riding, I didn't think he would ever hurt me. 

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