chapter 14

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Fourteen:

The Place

The road seemed to stretch forever as I waited impatiently for him to stop. He kept glancing at me and his smile shot up in a teasing way that only made me more anxious.

"Are we there yet?" I asked. Again.

"Are we there yet?" he replied with a nasaly tone.

"Shut up," I said, crossing my arms over my chest and my bottom lip pouting out.

"Shut up." Same tone.

"I don't sound like that!"

"I don't sound like that!"


He burst into laughter and I rolled my eyes, looking out the window. I hated when he 'imitated' me and he knew it, but I think he just liked to see me mad.

"You're so cute when you're mad at me," he chuckled.

I grumbled and kept my face plastered to the window. The trees flew by so quick, all I saw was a brown blob. Then he stopped suddenly and I flew forward. I would have went straight through the window were it not for my seatbelt. I clenched my teeth, my eyes were wide, and my breathing had quickened as I slowly turned my head to Nathan. How in the world could he be grinning? It was so big that his eyes were stretched and when he looked at me, I almost jumped at how scary he looked.

We sat in silence with the same looks for awhile, so it probably looked pretty stupid if someone were to walk by. But I couldn't take my eyes off him. Even when he started to drive forward slowly my eyes stayed plastered to his face.

While I was at it, I took in his features. His strong jawbone that shaped his face; his absolutely adorable dimples; his deep chocolate brown eyes; his crooked nose from when his brother broke it when they were fighting; and best of all, his smile. Every time it lit up, nothing could stop mine from twitching up. His happiness was always contagious.

"Pammy," he whispered.

"Hmm?" I replied, mesmerized.

"Look that way and then you can stare at me some more."

My cheeks burned as I turned my gaze.

The car sat on a promontory, with the ocean waves smoothly crashing against the golden sand. The surface of the water shimmered like a thousand diamonds. I stared around in awe and noticed we were in a clearing in the woods. It looked like someone had cut the branches themself and did a good job, but still a bit sloppy. But then it hit me.

"Did you make-?" I whispered.

"Yup. I knew I'd be taking some girl here, and I'd hoped all along it'd be you," he replied, as we both unclicked our seatbelts. He lowered the roof again and the sun gently sprinkled through the treetops. He didn't turn on the radio, and I guessed it was so we could hear the gentle rush of the waves.

"Shall we feast?" he asked, opening our bag and separating our stuff.

"It's not much of a feast," I commented, "but it's just as good as long as I'm with you."

"You, too."

He popped open his bag of chips loudly and I jumped at the sudden burst. Then I smiled and tried to make mine pop louder. Of course it didn't but in my mind it did because I'm just that awesome at popping a bag of chips.

I popped a Cheeto in my mouth and sighed, looking back at the breathtaking beach. I hadn't even known this was here; I knew about a bridge that was about half an hour or so away from us but I never thought that our city would have a view like this.

Nathan slid his arm behind me and pulled me closer. We both munched on MY Cheetos, but I didn't mind. I felt better when we both ate his bag as well, but he finished most of it. I got a small stomach ache for eating so much junk but it quickly passed as I forgot everything in the world but Nathan and me.

He seemed to do the same as we both sat in silence. My head rested on his shoulder and his cheek rested on my head. It felt like the moment to tell him three words, but I thought it'd be a bit too soon. It just didn't seem right yet.

I closed my eyes and breathed in the salty air. A breeze carried through, carefully and gently. It felt so magical and unreal, for me to be sitting next to my best friend in a place like this.

I never wanted to leave.


So what did we think? :)

I finished my project- FINALLY!! So hopefully I'll write more often.


Seriously!  Just click your mouse or tap your finger PLEASE!!! :) :) :)

I know it's still a little boring but like I keep saying it WILL get better.  Just keep reading and you'll be surprised(:

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