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It was two weeks before I decided to talk to Dylan again.  He'd called me a million times but I ignored him.  I didn't know how to react to him at first.

            With his jacket in my hand, I walked to his room and gently knocked on his door.  I didn't hear a reply, but I walked in anyway.  There were two bottles of liquor on the floor and a body curled up on the bed.  He didn't move, so I made the first step.

            "Dylan?" I said softly.

            He rolled over immediately to face me, his hair in every direction but straight.  His eyes were wide and he had a doe-eyed look.


            "I'm here to give you back your jacket," I interrupted, gently throwing it on the bed next to him.  He tried to talk again but I held up my hand.  "I know what you did and I have to say I was pretty upset for a while.  But I'm not going to hold that grudge over you.  I don't want to be the reason you have bad terms with your brother.  I'm not that kind of person.  So I forgive you.  But Dylan, please listen to me.  There's a girl out there who is perfect for you, but it's not me.  Please don't try to force anyone to be the one for you.  It will work if it's meant to.  You're a good guy Dylan.  You just have to prove it to everyone else too.  You don't exactly have a great reputation."

            "Thanks, Pam.  It means a lot," he replied.  I started to turn away but he stopped me.  "Can you help me?  Please?"

            "Well," I said, "you can start by getting rid of those bottles.  You don't need those.  And control your anger.  Try sports or therapy or something, okay?  You'll feel a lot better.  Right now, you look like you need a shower and a long nap."

            "Okay.  Thanks."

            I smiled.  "Good night."

            And that was it.  We became really good friends and he changed himself for the better.  He even ended up finding his perfect girl.

            Nathan and I had our little fights like every couple, but we worked through them.  Our worst one lasted three days, but that was only one really bad argument.  We finished high school and both applied to the same college.  I had to help him bump his grades up but we still weren't sure. 

            "I got accepted," I exclaimed, staring down at the words on the paper.  I ran outside to Nathan's to check on him.  He opened the door for me and showed me the unopened envelope.

            "I don't know," he said.  "What if I didn't get in?  What if I just missed it?"

            "Just open it Nathan.  We'll never know."

            He slowly pulled his finger along the top, making me even more nervous than he was.  After he finally slid the paper out, he read the words on the top at the same time as me.  He pulled me to him.

            "Looks like we're both going to the same college Pammy.  Thank you for helping me," he said as he kissed my head.

            Our parents helped us with the first bills of our apartment and the moving process.  It took weeks, but it was fun.  I loved decorating a place of my own and Dylan added to the fun by getting us a puppy.  It was a huge surprise but it was a big help in Nathan forgiving his brother.  We named him Toes, since he was a little Corgi and he kept stepping on our feet.  He brought some life into the quiet place.

            We both started realizing the stresses of jobs, bills, and school but somehow we managed.  It was difficult but the freedom was amazing.

            I had come home late one night and immediately went to bed.  Nathan was already there with the lights off and I cuddled up next to him.  He stirred softly and mumbled.

            "Sorry," I whispered, "I didn't mean to wake you."

            "It's fine," he murmured back.  "You're worth waking up to."

            He turned on the lights and went to the bathroom.  He came back and scooted behind me, sliding his arms around my waist.

            "Pammy?" he whispered.

            "Mm?"  I was falling asleep by the second.

            "Will you marry me?"

            My eyes blinked open slowly in disbelief.  I didn't think he'd said it until I saw the little ring on the bed in front of me.  I sat up immediately and took it before I lost it.  It was a simple diamond set on silver, the exact kind I'd wanted since I was little.  Of course he knew what to get me.

            "Will you marry me?" he repeated, sending sparks through my veins and shivers down my spine.  I turned around in his arms and snuggled into him.

            "Of course," I replied softly.  "I love you."

            "I love you too."

            He kissed me gently on the nose.

            "I'm so lucky to have you," I told him.

            "No," he replied with a smile, "I'm the lucky one."

the end.




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