chapter 10

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Ten:


Pam's POV

"Ow, ow!"

"Your fault. Just hold still."

He groaned while everyone else could barely stand as they held their sides. A few chuckles came from my own mouth but not as hard as the roars from our friends. He just grumbled and crossed his arms over his chest, pouting his lips. Absolutely adorably, of course. My eyes wandered but then snapped back to the little green lizard dangling from Nathan's nose.

"It is not my fault. They dared me. I'm a guy. See the connection?" he asked.


I fumbled with the mouth of the little reptile spazzing out. I pressed my fingers gently on the sides of his face and he began to circle around again, whacking his tail everywhere.

Why was he so stupid? The guys "made" him pick up the lizard and tap it on his nose three times. He did so, of course, and it latched onto the tip of his nose. I tried to warn him but he waved me off.

The little thing let go of Nathan and tried to free himself from my hold. I gingerly set him down on the bush he'd been resting on before and watched him scurry off.

When I looked back at Nathan, he had his nose scrunched up and eyes closed like it was the scariest thing in the world. I laughed and sat on the brick wall we hung out by.

"Is it over?" he forced out, a smile twitching as he peaked one eye open.

"Yes, Nathan, your girlfriend picked the dinosaur off your nose," Maya answered, sipping her iced latte.

Nathan smiled as he walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I had to lean my head down because of the wall, but I slid my arms around his neck.

"I didn't hear a thank-you," I mumbled, grinning.

"Thank you, Pammy," he murmured.

"Your welcome."

Just as our lips were about to meet, the bell rang and kids started to hustle to class. Yay. I sighed but he still kissed me tenderly before lifting me off the wall and placing me on the ground. He began to walk, looking back to grin. I returned it and hurried to grab my backpack off the ground, slipping my hand in his as I came back to him. He just smiled down at me as he walked with me to my first period: science.

I sighed, turning to face him in front of the door. He looked so adorable and sweet, holding my hands up to his chest as he sincerely looked through me. I could still see it; the little twinkle in his eyes still sparkled for me.

"See you," I said, feeling weird as the halls began to empty.

"Bye," he replied, kissing my forehead before sliding his arms from my hands to my waist. The electricity sparked through my veins and I could guarantee my face reddened. He pulled me closer as the late bell sounded off, echoing. He let me go and I reached for the doorknob.

"You're late, Mr. Price," I heard just as the door almost closed.

"Hey, there, Principal Thomas," Nathan replied, waving to him. I rolled my eyes and closed the door, turning around and taking a breath I hadn't realize had stuck in my throat.

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