chapter 9

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Nine:

School Morning

Nathan's POV

The annoying beeps woke me up and I groaned, smacking it with my pillow. It fell to the floor loudly and I sighed comfortably. The blankets wrapped around me from before were now probably on the ground and when I slowly sat up I noticed a pool of drool stained onto my pillow. What had been my dream? Oh yeah; that made sense.

I smiled at the thought of her popping up in my mind. As I ventured off into my mind, the door flew open and it startled me so much I backed up and fell off the side of my bed. I groaned and rubbed my head.

"Oh, sorry, honey," my mom said, coming around the bed to check on me. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to startle you; I just wanted to make sure you were up."

"Well, I'm definitely up now," I mumbled, pushing myself off the wood floor.

When I stood, I noticed I'd gotten a little taller. Feeling proud of myself, I strutted off to the kitchen to go get myself a bowl of Cocoa Puffs.

"Nice hair," Dylan commented from the counter.

"Nice face," I countered, looking away from the milk dribbling down his chin as I turned my attention to the brown box waiting for me. My stomach growled.

I expertly grabbed a bowl from the cupboard and took a spoon from the drawer, making my way around to sit next to the thing apparently related to me. I poured the cereal and then added the milk, dunking my spoon in and sailing it into my mouth.

Cocoa Puffs had always been my favorite since I was little. After all, I'm coco for Cocoa Puffs like that bird thing on the cover of the box. Just better looking.

Dylan snorted and I widened my eyes as I turned my attention to him.

"What?" he asked.

"What was that?" I replied with disbelief.

He rolled his eyes and abandoned his bowl. I realized what he was doing and left my own with much regret and ran after him. When he noticed, he tried to push me out of the way but I shoved him into the wall.

"Not again," my father said as we passed him.


We both stopped dead in our tracks and gave our eyes to our mom. She stood with a spoon in her hand, arms crossed over her chest, and foot gently tapping.

"I just cleaned those walls and the floor in the hall was just mopped, and I don't want you boys cracking your heads open on the first day back to school from Spring Break. Wait a few minutes before one of you stinks up my bathroom and finish your breakfast. I'm tired of you two wasting it. Also, you two do realize that there are two bathrooms in the house. One can have mine and the other can get the one by the family room," she informed us.

"But the one in the family room is so small," Dylan complained as we both lugged ourselves back to the kitchen counter to finish our bowls of chocolatey goodness.

Once I scarfed mine down and placed it in the sink, I got my mom's bathroom after fighting for it. We decided to do rock-paper-scissor, best two out of three. I, of course, won by using a rock against his scissors, pounding his fist a million times before locking the door in his face.

I started up the shower and stripped my shirt off, throwing it on the floor. I observed myself in the mirror and flexed my muscles and nodding my head. A knock on the door made me jump.

"Stop staring at yourself and wasting water, Nathaniel," my mother scolded as she walked by.

I rolled my eyes and with one last look at myself, hurried to get my shower.

Once my fingers got a little pruny, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself and shook the water out of my hair like a dog before walking back to my room.

I decided on a John Deere green shirt with a white tank top underneath and my favorite jeans. I slipped on my shoes, sailed a brush through my hair and slung my backpack over one shoulder. Acknowledging the time, I smirked. Early, as always. I popped a piece of mint gum in my mouth, sprayed some cologne, and headed out the door.

When I walked outside, the sun just began to rise. The sky was still a bit dark, but it also had streaks of burnt sienna and the stars disappeared. I whistled tunefully as I threw my keys up in the air and caught them. My baby sat on the concrete waiting for me. The shiny red paint had just been polished and waxed, giving it a sort of glow. The leather seats still looked and smelt like new and I eased myself in the driver's side, throwing my backpack in the back seat.

I started up the engine and decided to wake up the neighbors by revving it. I'd get in trouble for that later. And then I slowly pulled out and parked along the side of Pam's lawn, honking the horn. She stuck her head out the window and called something, but I just honked it again. She laughed and waved me off, closing the window.

A moment later, she emerged from the front door wearing her usual shirt and jeans. She slid in the car and set her backpack in her lap, looking over to smile at me. I leaned into her and pecked her cheek as she looked down at her phone. She giggled.

"You're in a good mood," she commented as I drove away.

"Well, I'm officially the luckiest guy in the world," I replied.

The school was about fifteen minutes away by car, but being that I liked to drive a bit faster, it only took ten minutes. My foot easily pressed a little harder on the pedal.

But then the stupid light turned yellow up ahead. I decided to race it and just hurried through it with a smile on my face. I ran through the intersection just as the light blinked red.

"Nathan!" Pam yelled.

Oops. I just grinned at her and she sighed, shaking her head as she looked away. But I did see that smile on her face just before her head turned.

The huge building came into view and both of us could feel the way we became excited. We both loved our school because of our awesome friends and the drama was just the right amount. The teachers let us get away with anything and we were loved by the principal, so we always got out of detention. And being that we were juniors, we had prom to look forward to.

This was going to be a blast.


Woohoo!  Over 100 reads!!! Thank you thank you thank you!  It has only been one week and already so many people!  :')

So, school morning in Nathan's POV.  I enjoy doing his because it's easier to make it funny. 

Sorry for kinda leaving you hanging but I just did this now and decided, hey they probably want an upload today.  I'm supposed to be doing a project -_- but I have to get books on it at the library later so I did this(:

I don't know when I'll update again, but I have to say I'm a little disappointed.  So many reads, and only a few comments?  Please comment and vote, I appreciate it and I want to know what I should add to this.  :) thanks for reading!

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