Chapter 15

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Fifteen:


The sky was beginning to fade behind the ocean, a darker shade shadowing over what had been. The waves hummed in harmony with the brush of the trees from the wind. The air chilled down a lot and the smell of salt became stronger. In the water, something moved and I squinted to see it.

A fin popped onto the surface before disappearing below again. A few more followed and one splashed around. A grin lit up my face and I looked at Nathan, whose gaze was on me.

"Look there," I told him, pointing toward the dolphins.

He shook his head, lightly smiling. He held out his hands to me and pulled me onto his lap. My back hit his door and my legs were stretched back on my seat. His arms slid around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, leaning my head on his. His eyes turned to where I'd been pointing so I followed.

The dolphins swarmed around, and I guessed they were feeding. They flapped around wildly and one leapt out of the water in a perfect curve before splashing back under. I laughed as another did the same.

He snuggled into my hair and with his voice muffled, said, "laugh again, Pammy. It's so beautiful."

I closed my eyes and sighed quietly as I heard the screeches of the creatures down below. The waves, the sight, everything was so perfect.

"I'll make you laugh if I have to," he told me playfully, poking my side.

I squeaked and then his arms tickled everywhere so I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. I begged him to stop and he stopped for a moment when I said I'd do anything.

"Tell me you love me," he murmured.

We both smiled; I already knew I did. He knew it, too. But I wanted to hear him say the same to me.

"I love you," I whispered, closing my eyes and leaning my forehead on his.

"I love you," he replied just as quiet.

And then he kissed me so passionately I was breathless and speechless, from both what he said and the kiss. The world stopped around me, like it was just Nathan and me, sitting in his car, in our own world.


After Nathan drove me home, he gave me a quick kiss and left. Just like that. I felt a bit empty as I walked up my sidewalk, backpack slung over one shoulder, and pushed the door open. No one was around but both vehicles were in the driveway. My dad was probably on the patio, grilling, and my step-mom was probably in the kitchen. The brats were probably in the loft looking at magazines or on the computer or doing things I couldn't even think of as sane.

I hurried up to my room. After remembering my homework, I made a face and took it out.


Screaming would've been an understatement. But luckily, I stopped midway and threw a pillow at my window where my balcony was.


I closed the curtain in Nathan's face, pouting. My heartbeat was still as fast as a hummingbird's, plus the way he made me feel. I was about to explode.

A tap at my window I ignored. A few more were still ignored. Then a harder knock. A few more.

I smirked and quickly unlatched the window, Nathan falling straight in when I stepped aside. He sighed into the floor and rolled over, giving me a look that was adorable. He couldn't help but smile.

"I just wanted to say hi," he told me, slowly getting up.

He looked me intently in the eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist. I stared back, my breath catching in my throat. I could feel his body heat next to me and the gentle breeze that blew through. His face-how could it be so perfect?-was relaxed, with a slight bit of humor twitching his lips. But my eyes stayed locked in his, the twinkle sparkling in the corner. He slowly leaned forward and I felt the world start to slow, like it always did at times like this.

"Actually I need to copy your homework," he interrupted when we were two inches apart.

I couldn't believe him.

I folded my arms over my chest and pulled away from him. My heart got all worked up, ready to burst, for him to say he needed my freaking homework?

"You're so cute when you're mad," he teased, returning his hands around my waist, gently tickling. "Please?"


He pecked my cheek. "Pretty please?"


He trailed kisses along my neck, making me shiver. "Pretty please with a cherry on top?"


These refusals just got harder and harder to say, but I liked how I got a better treat after each word.

He planted his lips on mine tenderly, letting them linger for a moment before he murmured, "Please, Pammy?"

I looked at him (bad choice) and his eyes were like a puppy's, pleading and begging. His smile, the one I loved, stretched up to show his dimples.

With a sigh, I gave in.

He left quickly because his parents would kill him if he got caught. But he gave me one last kiss before jumping off my balcony and down the tree.

His face replayed in my mind until I drifted to sleep, where he has always been.


Okay so chapter 15 complete.

So what did we think? :)

Personally I like the beginning ;)

Sorry it took a bit longer.  I've been really busy with other stuff.


Seriously.  Just poke or click the little button.  If you can, type a few words of wisdom(:

I still need a new name but I think I have a good idea.  It won't make sense right now but it will soon.  But I'm not gonna reveal it yet (;

I'll try to update soon as always :)

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