chapter 47

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Chapter Forty-Seven

The Truth Revealed

After our lovely half hour of killing our throats, we said good night and I went inside my house.  I glanced over at the Price house and noticed someone turning away from a window in Dylan's room.  I sighed. 

            "Hey, how was your date?"  Rachel asked as I walked past the kitchen. 

            "Um, it was okay," I answered, but I knew she saw through that lie.  She didn't bother to interrogate me in front of everyone else in my family though and we exchanged fake smiles as I went upstairs to my room.  I peeled off the skin-tight dress and pulled on sweatpants and a jacket.  As I looked at myself in the mirror, I realized the hoodie was the one that Dylan had lent me and I smelled it.  His cologne had somehow stayed and I sat down to think.

            I felt so weird . . . as if that smell should've brought a big smile to my face and make me remember a cute memory.  But it didn't.  And that was when I started questioning what I was doing.  Was I making some mistake?

            I heard a tap on my window and I jumped so hard I fell off the bed.  It probably should've been romantic to most girls but honestly it was just annoying.  It scared me every time.  I got up and walked over to unlock the glass with my arms over my chest. 

            "Hey," I said without feeling.  I didn't know if I was supposed to still be mad or not.  Dylan held out one rose to me as he stood on the windowsill with his face close to mine.  I took it hesitantly.   

            "I'm sorry," he murmured.  His hand reached to cup my cheek and he leaned into me for a kiss.  The whole thing took me by complete surprise but I loved it.  I kissed back and it turned into a little more than a simple peck.  I wrapped my arms around his neck to pull him closer, wanting the feel of someone's arms around me.  He snaked his around my waist like I was hoping but then he broke away.

            "Come here, I wanna show you something," he said.  I let him take my hand and he helped me through the window and onto the roof.  I laid down next to him, shifting closer to him because the wind was much colder up there.  He put his arm around my shoulders, making a nice pillow for my head. 

            I looked up at the night sky and my breath left me for a few moments.  It was an absolutely clear sky with the fullest moon possible.  The stars were so much easier to see, especially since most of the lights around us were turned off for the people who were trying to sleep, unaware of the beautiful world above their heads.  It was so perfect, I honestly expected a shooting star to stream across the sky like all the movies.  I loved looking at the stars but it was an absolutely impossible scene.

            "It's the most beautiful sight," I breathed. 

            He turned to me.  "You wouldn't say that if you could see your face in the moonlight."

            Immediately my face turned red and I hoped he couldn't see it.  He smiled and kissed me softly, turning back to stare at the constellations with me.  I tried to point out a few I'd learned in astronomy, but the only ones I could ever really know for sure were the Big and Little Dippers.  Instead we made up our own to pass the time.  Dylan's were much more interesting than mine but it was still unbelievably nice.

            "Do you see that clump right there?"  He pointed.  "If you connect those four, they make one eye and the ones right next to it make the other.  Then the nose and mouth and you've got the face of that one girl Cheryl.  Even the nose is extra long for the nose job she just had."

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