chapter 21

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty-One:

Not Enough

Dylan's POV

The music blared from the speakers, vibrating the whole house. People laughed and danced wildly, smiles bigger than ever. The party was really fun tonight, were my mind not elsewhere.

I downed another shot, sliding the glass back for another refill. I'd lost count of how many, but I wasn't going to stop until I couldn't think anymore.

"I think you've had enough, Dylan," Johnny said, pushing the little glass back.

"Not nearly enough," I replied, a little loopy.

"How many have you had?"

"I dunno." I thought for a moment. "Not enough."

He shook his head, looking down at the bar. I grabbed the bottle of whisky and unscrewed the lid. But it was a bit difficult to grasp it right so Johnny took it back before it turned.

"Go lay down and relax. Then I think you should go home." I shot Johnny a glare as I stood, slightly dizzy. I had to use the stool for grip.

I wandered away into the living room, scooting between people. The music pounded my ears and the strobe lights made me dizzier. I tried to keep my balance as I found the staircase, slamming my hand down on the railing. I breathed heavily as I took each step at a time to the top. Moving my hands along the wall, I found a doorknob and knocked. When I didn't hear anything, I pushed it open, flicking on the light and locking the door. The sudden brightness made me fall to the ground and I groaned into it, closing my eyes. I just lay there, unmoving.

The images of Pammy and my brother laughing filled my mind, making me try to open my eyes. I couldn't. Then the bell rang, and I thought I heard it for real, but I knew I didn't. Nathaniel-I refused to call him his nickname, because I hated him right now-picked Pam up and spun her around before setting her gently on the ground. Another groan escaped as I edged towards where I barely remembered seeing a bed. He kissed her passionately, making me punch a fist into the bed frame.

I couldn't believe him. I was just about to start something with Pam instead of hide in the shadows, and they become a couple. I cussed loudly as I pulled myself onto the bed. My head spun as I rolled onto my back, reaching a hand up to my face. Her face popped into my mind, making me wince. I could see the fear in her eyes looking over Nathaniel's shoulder at that soda machine. I was such an idiot!

I opened my eyes and shielded them from the light with my hand. I'd definitely sobered up a little but I still felt like crap. I felt something rumble in my stomach and rise in my throat, so I rushed into the bathroom in the room, just barely making the toilet.

I sighed, resting my head against the cold tile floor. I'd done this so often, I didn't know why I hadn't noticed how horrible this really was. I shot up and heaved again, coughing. Maybe I didn't actually care, being that I was usually with a girl and I actually had aspirin and water with me. I came unprepared tonight.

A sigh streamed out of my mouth as I took a deep breath, then groaned as my head throbbed. I felt miserable. Tonight was so not what I looked foward to.

I needed to go home. My parents were spending the night at a friend's house and wouldn't be back until late tomorrow night. I wondered about Nathaniel and scowled. I didn't care anymore. I'd been nice before, when it first started because I didn't think there'd be much of a chance to last, but when I saw him kiss her like that I just couldn't hold the act anymore.

Pulling myself up, I flushed the toilet and took a deep breath. I could see and walk much straighter, now, so I decided it was time to get home before I threw up again. I wandered out of the room and down the stairs, past people dancing or drinking or making out. My target first was the fridge; I was hoping for some water. I was so dehydrated.

A girl thrust herself at me, laughing hysterically. I used the wall for support as she grinned lustfully at me, beer in one hand, and dancing on me. I shoved her away, hurrying to get to the kitchen. I opened up the fridge and searched around. Mostly alcohol and empty bottles on the shelves but I found one water bottle on the side. I snatched it and brought it to my lips, gulping half of it. I wiped my mouth with the back of my jacket sleeve. Next target: the front door.

It wasn't hard to find. It was open already, with other teenagers stumbling out the door. I wondered what I looked like as I searched for my car. I unlocked it, the beeps sounding, and opened the door. When I settled in the seat, I made sure I could see straight before turning the key slowly.

I knew it was a bad idea. I should just go slept on that bed in the house and spend the night. It was the best idea. But I didn't want to. I just wanted to pull my blanket over my head and forget reality. Forget the world. I eased onto the driving pedal, turning from the parking space along the side.

My house pictured in my mind, waiting to welcome me with its homey touches and familiar scents. And I closed my eyes for one second, but when I opened them, the glass shattered past me as I jolted to the left, the other car bursting into the passenger's side.


So... Dylan's POV... What did we think?

I'm not sure if I did a great job with it, and it's probably kinda short but I need to add him in.  He's gonna be important later.


You know, I'm very random with my uploads.  I never really set a goal for when to write (I probably should).  I just sit and think, "Hey, I should write!" and whip out the laptop.

So.... have a nice day :)

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