chapter 27

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Copyright © 2012 by akm


Chapter Twenty-Seven

Swinging Bad Ideas

"Race you, one, two, three go!"


He laughs and takes off, releasing my hand. Feeling a bit competitive, I sprint after him, my feet smacking the concrete hard as I try to burst my speed. I can feel my bun bobbing up and down, and the wind isn't helping it. I hated messy hair but I couldn't let him win. I was catching up quick and soon he was just beside me. We both grinned at each other and tried to go faster. My lungs were starting to burn a little bit and my feet hurt. I tried lighter steps and this helped more than stomping, helping me pass him. The swings are so close now, but Nathan's figured out my foot stepping and copies it. We're back to being side by side and I reach out for the metal chain that holds the left swing just as he reaches for the right. We're both panting as we regain our breath, sitting down on the rubber.

"I win," he breaths with a smirk.

"No way! That was so a tie!" I exclaim, kicking off my flip-flops.

"Eh, I'd say I won by a second."



I eye him with my threatening look, raising a flip-flop while trying not to laugh. "Tie."

He leans forward, lips pressed hard as he tries not to laugh either. "Me."

I release a giggle. "That's what you think." I start swaying my legs, picking up speed quick. Nathan's pattern is opposite of me, so when I go forward he flies back. I lean back and close my eyes as I go higher and I feel like I'm flying. I can imagine weaving between clouds and riding the wind's back, doing somersaults in the air. I feel a pull and am yanked to the side, rattling everywhere and a small scream escapes my lips. I grip the bars hard and try to stop for a moment. Just as he passes me with a smirk, I grab his and halt him like he did me.

He bursts out laughing and I turn my swing to face him as he stops. I stick out my tongue and he swings towards me sideways, kissing me quickly before being pulled away.

"Gotta love me, right Pammy?" he says, getting off his swing to stand behind me. "I'm gonna spin you." Before I can object he starts spinning my swing higher and higher. I can feel the metal struggling to twist together as it gets higher and I know when he lets go, I'm going to be spinning for a while.

"Nathan!" I shriek when he pushes me in the direction it goes. I hold on for dear life and shut my eyes as I half laugh-half scream. My body is in control of the swing and I can feel the pull on me. It's a great thrill, but I'm getting so dizzy that when it stops I can't see straight. I imagine how I must look trying to stand up and take a step forward. He catches me before I fall and chuckles.

"Dizzy?" he asks, his breath tickling my ear.

"No, I'm drunk," I say sarcastically. "I can't see straight, Nathan."

"It's okay, I got you."

He secures an arm around my waist and I lean on him, my arms around his shoulders as my vision attempts to make clear of the blurriness. I blink a few more times and then I see the trees whirring in the breeze, the people walking through the park, and Nathan's eyes on me.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" he chuckles. "You look really dizzy, Pammy."

I shake my head and smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. I don't think my hair is." I reach up and feel it. A bird could've made a nest out of it. I groaned and stood away a few steps to take it out and let my hair fall as I bend over. I smooth it out and pull it up into a ponytail, tying it with my hair tie.

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