John looked at the ground, "I was worried you'd say that. Dutch says that we..."

Arthur interrupted, "Dutch says a lot. That's his gift...saying things."

(F/N) gave Arthur a look, John asked him, "Oh yeah? What do you mean by that?"

Arthur sighed, as he gave his version of the cold hard truth, "I was the prize pony once, now I'm the workhorse. And the new prize pony...well he doesn't see things as they are."

(F/N) looked at Arthur questioningly, "What am I not seeing?"

The older man looked at him then back at John, "Listen, both of you. You both were at that thing in Blackwater. And he's already seen Pinkertons here. New century's coming. This life, this way? Well, we're the last, I reckon. And we ain't long for it I reckon."

(F/N) raised an eyebrow, he refused to believe him, "This'll blow over eventually. We're gonna be fine."

Arthur looked at him, "You really mean to tell me that you've seen them hunt us like this before? The world's changing, and I think you know that deep down."

(F/N) looked at his feet quickly, was Arthur right? Things did feel different, the world was pushing against them. But they would be alright...they had to. (F/N) snapped back into focus, when Arthur moved on, "So where we going?"

"Just need to pick up something, from the gun store." (F/N) immediately jumped at the chance, "I can help you, I'm real good at haggling with the gunsmith."

John nodded, and pointed at the hitching post across the street  "Alright, Arthur can you tether the horses over there?"

Arthur rolled his eyes, but nonetheless took Bullseye's reins from (F/N) and started walking over to the post, "I already don't like how this is going." John and (F/N) walked over to the gun store, "Can you head in and pick up a sniper rifle? I'll explain later."

(F/N) shot John a look, but he went into the store, not wanting to look weak when he walked into the store, this was probably going to be the biggest fight of his life. (F/N) smiled when he saw the gunsmith, slowly look up at him, "Well hello there si...I thought I told you not to come back!"

(F/N) laughed as he walked over to the counter, "I never said I would, I just came to purchase some firearms, from you."

The gunsmith gave (F/N) a hard look but eventually relented, "Fine, fine. What do you want?"

(F/N) smiled as he leaned on the counter, "I need a rifle something with sight on it. Then I need a new revolver, something better than a cattleman." The gunsmith nodded and went under the counter, he could hear him searching for the weapons. After what seemed like hours he reemerged from behind the counter and set a rifle with a big scope on the counter and a Scholfield revolver. He had a glum look on his face, (F/N) clapped slightly, he reached for the revolver, but the clerk spoke up, "$271 and they're yours."

(F/N) clicked his tongue and shook his head, "That's a little to steep for me, how about $250?"

The gunsmith got angry, as he slammed his hands on the counter, "This isn't a pawn shop! You either pay the $271, leave, or I get the sheriff!"

(F/N) leaned on the counter, he decided to try a new approach, "Listen...friend. You're obviously in a bad mood now. I could come back tonight with a couple of my friends when you're in a better mood. That's your house out back, isn't it?"

The gunsmith's angry expression faded, (F/N) looked at him, "It would be a shame if something happened to it."

The gunsmith looked at (F/N) to see if he was kidding, he kept his hard stare, finally, the gunsmith said, "$265."

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