Chapter Twenty One - Ceremony

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     Nine months had past. Bakugou has worked tirelessly for the wedding that was going to be later today. A lot of people were coming such as new friends, old classmates (even some from Class 1B), bosses and families. Even some former heroes that were their teachers such as All Might and Aizawa and Present Mic were coming. Almost 250 people were attending the wedding. Katsuki's parents came back to Japan earlier than wanted because of the wedding.

He had to ask Tsu and Ochako for advice because they had their wedding a couple of months before Kirishima proposed. He also asked, reluctantly, Todoroki and Deku for help as well. He was good at strategizing and planning for stuff, but not stuff like this. He has the ideal location and his suit. But after that, he didn't know where to start.

But everything is perfect, thanks to his friends, who selflessly gave their help. But Bakugou was the hardest working one, as expected.

Even though everything was supposed to be black and white or some other pastel color, he wore a dark red dress shirt with a faded, dark blue vest that had a rose design on the sides. The same thing he wore back in high school when he had to attend that dance thing, but it wasn't the exact same suit because he'd grown since then (obviously), and he tweaked the color design on it, and decided to get it mad in much, much, fancier materials.

     He had thought about how Kirishima called him good looking back then but he brushed it off like dirt. He hadn't realized that little compliment had such meaning.

He wore dark blue dress pants that had a gold stripe flowing down hem. His dress shoes were a really dark brown with gold roses decorating the leather side of it. He tried to tame his hair but to no avail, so he just slicked one side of his ashy locks out of his face, causing the other side to push forward. He cuffed his sleeves with ruby pins before looking in the mirror.

     He looked nice but something didn't feel right. Of course, his tie. He pulled on his white tie, even though he didn't want to wear it. He looked back in the mirror. Something was still not right. His hair didn't fit his face? Or, his face didn't fit his hair? He then had an idea.

     He looked through Ochako's makeup case, in which she had brought in case it was needed, and found a black eyeliner pencil.

     "I prefer the liquid, but this works," he mumbled.


     "Bro, you need to calm down!" Kaminari patted Kirishima's back, who was hyperventilating.

     "I can't calm down! What was I thinking?! I'm not ready to marry him yet! What if he takes one look at me and decides that I'm not the one he wants? I know Katsuki planned the wedding and shit but I cannot ignore the possibility that-"

     "STOP IT!" Mina slapped him upside the head.

     "Ow! What was that-"

     "You need to chill. You're getting worked up again! He loves you and if he didn't, he would've said no, ya dingus!" Mina scolded.

     "She's right. If he didn't love you, he wouldn't have gone through all this trouble to do this for you," Kaminari added.

     "And even more, if he was tired of you, he would've been long gone by now." Mina huffed.

    BThey're right. If Bakugou was uninterested, he wouldn't have stood by his side. He wouldn't have said yes to his proposal. He calmed down, but he was still a nervous wreck. He was sure he was more sweaty than Bakugou's palms ever will be.

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