Chapter Eight - Discovery

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It's been a couple of weeks since Bakugou was admitted to the hospital and today was the day he'd finally get discharged.

The first day of summer.

"You ready to go?" Kirishima chirped. Bakugou was hoisting a bag in the back of Kirishima's car when he scoffed.

"Does it look like I'm fucking ready? Get your lazy ass out and help me!" Katsuki complained. Usually he wouldn't ask for help with such a simple thing, but he felt like a pile of fish turds so he made the exception. Kirishima laughed in disbelief.

"Yeah, sorry. I thought you'd like to handle it alone." Kirishima got out of his nice red sports car and hoisted two more bags in the trunk.

"How many things did you bring to have so many bags?" Eijirou hopped back in the car, Bakugou joined him in the passenger seat.

"Quit complaining. It's only three bags," Katsuki snarled. That only made the Kirishima chuckle.

"It's still a shocker of how much things you can fit in a costume." His light hearted laugh made Bakugou a little less nervous.

"Don't think we're done here yet, Shitty Hair. We have to stop by my house which is a literal hour from here." The man buckled his seat belt and when he turns to Kirishima, he reels back at the dude.

"Oi, put your ugly ass eyeballs back in your head before I puke all over your car!" he cried in disgust. Eijirou doubled over the steering wheel, coughing up his lung from laughing to hard.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He gasped for air. "That was just... just too funny." He giggled a little bit more and soon enough, Bakugou couldn't help but let out a snort, and that made Kirishima go back to wheezing. Soon enough, both of them fell out of the car laughing. Earning looks, but they didn't care. Bakugou was the first to climb back in the car and re-buckle his seat belt.

"Oi! Shit face!" he called, still recovering from euphoria, to the stuggling Kirishima, whose hair is a mess on his head. Earlier, the mans hair was in a ponytail but that came loose from falling out of the car.

"Come on! We need to get going slow ass!" he scolded. Kirishima struggled, but climbed back in the car with tears and a smile on his face.

"Yeah yeah, I know," he dismissed, buckling his own seatbelt. He turned the engine on and started to drive.

They talk all through out the trip. Pointing out here and there and Katsuki throwing insults and profanities at everything.

     Soon enough they climb a dirt road and park in front of a nice two story cabin. The door was a burgundy color and the windows shades were closed. There was a little balcony at the side of the house that Katsuki knew all too well.

     "Wow man! Nice home you got there!" Kirishima said in awe, examining every detail.

     "Let's just fucking hurry up." Bakugou started towards the door, not wanting to stay here any longer than he had to. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, slamming it open in the process.

     He usually locked his doors and windows every night, but left the balcony open the day he was late for work. He had jumped off the balcony and ran so it wasn't locked like the rest of the house. But he didn't give a damn. There was nothing inside worth stealing except food that was probably spoiled rotten.

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