Chapter Four - The Accident

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Toreshi Revu's P.O.V.

The hero had found him, and his blood colored eyes was penetrating his black soul and for the first time, Toreshi was afraid. He was expecting a stupid boy that would end up fighting him instead of saving that man. But Dynamite ignored him and saved the man instead.

     And that's what scared him. The hero obviously took a large risk with that explosion, but the hero had faith that his risk would go well.

     A sweat dropped off his forehead as he tried to intimidate the hero as much as he intimidated him.

"Hello again, Dynamite," Toreshi said calmly. The angry hero jumped off the debris he was standing on, to in front of the villain. From what Revu could see, the hero had a bleeding right hand, and that gave him a little bit of false hope.

     "I'm glad to hear you know who I am. And if you know who I am, then you must know what my quirk is, correct?" Dynamite asked smoothly. It was something about his tone that made Toreshi want to shiver.

     "You create explosions by accumulating enough sweat in your hands," Toreshi said. The hero frowned.

     "Now now, that's not fair! You know my name and my quirk!" Dynamite unexpectedly whined. He then covered his eyes with his hand. "But I guess that can't be helped," he cooed viciously, a bloodlustful smile appearing on his lips. "But I guess I have to fulfill your expectations!" The hero laughed psychotically as his eyes went mad. Blood drained from Toreshi's face as he saw murder in his eye. The hero then scoffed and cackled at the villain, like he couldn't get enough air.

    "You should've seen your face! It was priceless!" Dynamite wheezed. Revu was confused until it hit him. 

     'It was all an act!'

     This realization hit the villain, almost as hard as Dynamite did in that second. The villain went flying backwards and landed on his back. The hero didn't even have to use his quirk.

     "That act was all a joke?" Toreshi grunted as he stood back on his feet. Bakugou hummed.

     "Yep! And you fell for it like the dumbass you are, leaving yourself right open!" Dynamite chuckled. "Now, if you would excuse me, I have to arrest you." The hero came closer and Revu started to panic. His quirk was to make people relive memories they didn't want to remember, but Toreshi had to go through it with them. He searched the hero's head and the hero stopped, as if he was set to pause on a television set. Toreshi soon found a memory that shocked him as well.

     A little girl was calling for her mother out front of a burning building. Dynamite paid no attention to her because he was fighting a villain. He wanted to defeat as many villains as he could to get to the top. He thought that defeating villains was another way to save lives. 

     The girl continued to cry until a scream came from inside the building. There weren't many heroes free and the ones that were was lying on the mat with the rest of the injured. The girl called for her mother again as she ran inside the building. Dynamite had just finished knocking the villain unconscious before he realized the little girl was missing. An agonizing scream rang in his ears. It was coming from inside the building.

     "Mommy! I'm here-"

     "Leave me, Asaria! It's about to-!"

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