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"The building is about to come falling down! We have to abort," screams a hero. Kirishima was about to take a run for it because he thought all the survivors were rescued, but was stopped by a whimper before he could turn around.

"" he heard. It was faint, extremely faint, but he could hear it, as he had developed good hearing over time. He scanned the area with his eyes and spotted a woman, stuck under a wooden beam with a child in her protection.

"Help...!" she cried again. Eijioru raced over there in an instant, ignoring the calls of the older heroes. He crouched down in front of them.

"Take my child... leave me here," she requested, as if she had accepted her supposed fate. He knew well enough he wasn't gonna do that. There was no way he could do that. He pulled the child out from under her strained body.

"Go! Keep him safe!" She had tears running down her face, full of fear and relief.

"I will but right now we need to get you out-"

"Leave me!"

"No," said sternly. She saw hope in his eyes and knew he wasn't leaving without her. Kirishima stood straight and began to lift the beam. He hardened his muscles to keep them in place. The woman collapsed in front of him and began to crawl out from the danger. The child just stood there.

"Hey kid, help out your mom!" Kirishima scolded the child. The little one set down his grotesque teddy bear and attempted to drag his mother out from under the beam. Kirishima smiled.

Once they both were out, he heard a creak and a crash and realized that the beam he was holding was connected to the collapsing building. Filled with dread, he turned his head to the little family.

"Is there anyone else?!" He asked. The woman shook her head.

"Red Riot! Get out of there!" one of the heroes called.

"Get the survivors! It's to dangerous to let this go!" Kirishima called back. Two of the present heroes carefully took the woman and her child away before he prayed. He knew that when he let the beam go, the structure was to sure fall on top of him.

'It's a chance I have to take,' he told himself. He took a shaky breaths, as he could already feel is quirk receding. It was hard to support an entire building by himself.

He counted to 3.


The building creaked.


He released his quirk.


Kirishima sprinted. The heroes were calling out for him. He ran and ran for his life.

And then he tripped. And fell face flat.

He prepared to get buried alive, but the debris never came.

Centimeters away was the crashed building, filled with nails and shards of glass. He was yanked up immediately by his armpits.

"God Kirishima! You gave me a heart attack!" Sero screamed.

"I second that! Don't act so recklessly! You could've been killed!" Mina followed.

     He received a scolding by Momo as well, but he thought it was worth it. Momo pinched between her eyes.

"Even though you acted on instinct without thinking it through, again, you managed to save a mother and a child. So, once again, I'll let you go for this one." He smiled at her and she returned it.

"I don't know how you're not dead yet, but I'm happy," Sero sighed.

"Believe me, I thought I was a goner too," he paused and turned towards his friend, "but facing your fears is what makes you manly!" Kirishima exclaimed while flexing his biceps.  The group laughed before boarding the bus full of survivors. They helped out when ever they could, but other than that, they just kept watch over everyone. Sero was providing tape for bandages, Momo was helping out a paramedic, and Mina was trying to cheer up the everyone from the traumatic experience.

     Kirishima just sat back and observed, as he had neither the knowledge or quirk to help with this particular situation. But soon a small boy with a dirty stuffed bear came up to him.

"Thank you Mr. Red Riot. You saved me and my moms life," he muttered, still a bit jittery. He was so formal, and so polite, it kinda reminded Eijirou of Todoroki. The hero placed a hand on the boy's head and ruffled his dirty hair.

"It's my job! Say, what's your name, kid?"

"Ame Chakio," he replied, holding out a hand. Eijirou took that hand and held it bro style.

"Eijirou Kirishima. I gotta say, you're pretty manly for a squirt. You should give some credit to yourself because I didn't save your mom or you," he smiled at the confused boy, "you saved yourselves. I just helped out." He grinned at the sparkling boy with his pointy white teeth.

     "But you told me to help pull my mom out. You knew just what to do while I stood frozen in fear." Chakio looked down.

     "Sometimes you need to follow someone's lead to know what to do. And you did. You had the choice to run away instead, but you helped out because that was the right thing to do right?" Chakio nodded with a small smile plastered on his face.

"When I grow up, I wanna be a hero just like you!" the child exclaimed. Kirishima chuckled.

"Don't be like me, be better than me! I'm sure with a smart and brave boy like you, they'll have no choice but to make you a hero!" He pokes at the little boy's stomach. "Because you're a man! You're strong enough to handle it." Chakio gasped with delight at the red haired man's words. He fist bumped the hero before returning to his mother with a bright smile. Eijirou was happy to be a reason someone smiled and felt a fuzzy warmth in his heart.

But his mind went dark at the thought of a certain someone. Katsuki Bakugou. The guy that never, or rather rarely ever, smiled. Eijirou, during his years at U.A., tried so very hard to make him smile, make him laugh, even once.

But he never did.

And that made Kirishima insecure about his abilities as a pro-hero and as a person. He believed that it was him to be the problem, when in fact it was just Katsuki's unnecessary pride.

Eijirou absentmindedly stared at the vehicles floor, not noticing the pink hand waving in front of his face until he felt a sharp pain at the back of his skull.


"Now you pay attention. Did you hear a thing I said?" Mina complained. Kirishima guiltily shook his head no. Mina sighed before sitting down beside him.

"The captain wants to see you," she elbowed his arm, "She probably wants to congratulate you for your job well done." He rolled his eyes.

"Knowing her, I doubt it. She'll probably give me a harsher scolding than Momo." He sighed before standing up. "Carry on about what you were doing, I'm gonna go before I get fired." They shared a chuckle before parting ways.

Authors Note Hey guys, I've really been reading a lot of KiriBaku fanfics and I've been having many dreams. So here ya go. Hope you enjoy! -2019

A/N: after rereading it, this had a lot of plot holes and grammatical mistakes so this is going to be the first story I'll be editing on my list of stories to edit. Enjoy. -2022

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