Chapter Nine - Damnit

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Kirishima woke up to silence ringing in his ears and a familiar scent still in his nose. He was splayed out on a couch that wasn't his with clothes and a blanket wrapped around him, that also weren't his. And then he remembered, he stayed at Bakugou's place.

     He sat up and stretched his arms, popping every singing vertebrate in his back which felt like heaven to him before looking at the clock.

"7:24... pretty early," he mumbled, scratching his head as he listened to the silence. Nothing but chirping birds and the ticking of the clock.

     'Weird. I'd thought Bakugou would be awake and screaming by now.' He let out a sigh. 'I guess I'll go wake him up.' He stood, letting the blanket fall off of him before starting towards the stairs. It was so eerily quiet Kirishima swore he could hear every creak of wood bending against his weight. He silently made his way down the short space of loft that was threes and grabbed the handle of the door knob.

     He tried to turn it, but it was moving. He sighed again and raised his fist, but before he could bang on the door, it swung open, revealing a very disheveled blond with a line imprinted on his face while his bloodshot eyes glared at Kirishima tiredly.

"Dude, you look like shit!"he yelped before he could stop the words from tumbling out. Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"No shit, fucktard. I just woke up." Said eye roller turned in the heel of his bare foot and disappeared in the room, leaving the door right open. Kirishima cautiously stepped in. It looked the same as before, even the bed that was made, which was odd because Katsuki said he just woke up so he couldn't possibly had made the bed in such a short amount of time, could he?

"What the fuck are you staring at, jackass?" Bakugou took him out of his thoughts and he waved his hands nervously.

"Nothing! Just zoned out that's all."

"Then you haven't heard a fucking word I said," Katsuki grumbled.

"No, I guess not. Can you repeat it?"

"It's not that important..." he trained off before mumbling something Kirishima didn't quite catch.

"What?" he ask curiously, making the other scoff.

"You're deaf and stupid." Bakugou proceeded to take some clothes from his drawers and throw them at Kirishima.

"Go take a shower and change into those. You smell like horse shit."

"How do you know what horse shit smell like, huh?" he tried to tease, but to only see his lips twist up into a smirk.

"Because I had the luxury of hanging around it all day yesterday." He shoved Kirishima out of the room. "Now fuck off."

     He slammed the door in his face as Kirishima could only stare in shocked. He looked down at his bare feet, as he could already feel the tears stinging his eyes.

     'I didn't mean to piss him off...maybe he's just having a rough morning...?'

     He walked briskly down to the bathroom they had cleaned the day before, putrid thoughts entering his head. 'Crying isn't manly. Keep it to yourself.' He hopped in the cold shower, where he could let the tears fall down like they're part of the water.

     When Bakugou and Kirishima finished getting ready, they stole some pop tarts and lugged Katsuki's shit into the car. So much shit, but Eijirou didn't complain, as he was cautious  and wary about Bakugou's pissed off attitude.

     The car ride was silent. It wasn't awkward, it was a comfortable silence with the rock music faintly playing from the radio. Kirishima kept his eyes firmly on the road and focused on not driving off the cliff while Bakugou stared at him.

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