Chapter Nineteen- Endless

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WARNING: A little smut will be mentioned in this chapter.

Readers discretion is advised.



     "...what?" Bakugou was speechless. How could someone as sweet and bright and as beautiful as  Eijirou Kirishima fall in love with someone like Katsuki Bakugou?

     "I... love you Bakugou. You're strong and smart and talented and hot and you're so manly for chasing after your dreams. You never waver from challenges and you're never afraid to speak what you think of people. You have a soft side that's so caring and lovable and I was blessed to see that side. Sure, you have an anger problem and you have room to improve on your people skills...not to mention that overwhelming pride of yours." A chuckle escaped his lips. "I could go on and on about reasons I fell in love with you. I'm not sure if you're straight, or gay, or something else, but I felt the desire to tell you how I feel when I saw you again. Sure, I'm afraid it might really hurt our friendship, but I couldn't hold in all the jealousy I feel when other people talk to you. All the urges of wanting to kiss you when you're being really cute. All of these feelings I've bottled up because of the fear of being rejected or worse..." Another chuckled escaped Kirishima lips, however it was one that could only be described as afraid, "...hated or disgusted by you."

     "...I could never hate you Eijirou. Even if I wanted too," Bakugou managed to say.


     "All I wanna know is... why? Why me of all people?" Bakugou was shaking.

     "I already told you."

     "How could you ever love an asshole like me? A liar? A fake? How could you love a.... how did you put it... and narcissistic child like me?" Bakugou desperately asked. He didn't almost, almost, didn't want to believe it was true.

     "Because... whatever you think badly about yourself, I think differently," Kirishima said, sniffling," I told you that people make mistakes. I'll tell you the biggest mistake I've ever made." 

     "Yeah, it's probably gonna be like snapping at a parent."

     "No. Not even close. When I was in middle school, I got bullied a lot. I told you that, right?"


     "But what I didn't tell you what I did. One day, I just snapped and I went to the roof. I wrote a suicide note, Katsuki." All this time Bakugou was unable to look him in the eye, but this made him grip him by the shoulders, his glare never wavering.

     "You fucking did WHAT?!"

     "I know right? I stood on the edge until a thought came to me. How will this effect my parents? Mina? How will the school's reputation be affected from a suicide? All those thoughts ran through my head until I made a last minute decision, but I was too late. My footing slipped and I fell off a 6 story building. I activated my quirk, but I broke and had to go to the hospital." An uneasy smile spread across his lips. "I cost my parents tears and money because of my selfish decision, not to mention some broken bones. The point is, everyone makes a selfish mistake more than once in their life that can hurt the people around you. Nobody's perfect."

     "I..." Bakugou was speechless. He pulled Kirishima into a tight hug. He wanted so badly to reciprocate his feelings but as soon as he pulled away and opened his mouth, the door slammed open.

     "Times up," Kaminari announced.

     "We'll finish this talk later." Kirishima stood up and walked out of the closet, Bakugou noticing the reddish tint of his face. He quickly scrambled after him. Once they were back in their seats, they started playing would you rather. Bakugou didn't pay any attention to them though. Only focused on Eijirou's words. 'I need to tell him I feel the same way.'

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