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     Kirishima's heart felt like it was about to burst. He heard the sound of a guitar playing and he knew the ceremony had started. He felt like crying, but he held himself back. It's not the time to cry, not yet. A few minutes passed and it was time for him to walk down the isle. Mina (in a pastel yellow dress that flowed down to her knees) along with Kaminari (in a grey suit with a white shirt underneath and a pastel yellow tie) walked side by side down the isle with happy smiles on their faces. Kirishima's mother linked her arm into his and Aizawa placed his hand on Kirishima's upper back as they revealed themselves from the shadows.

     Eijirou took in all of it: the detailed decorations of white and red and pastel yellow and pink, the array of colors in the sitting and staring crowd. Ochako and Todoroki matching Kaminari and Mina, the podium he must stand on with Katsuki Bakugou. Kirishima almost dropped to the floor when he saw him. His sturdy stature, clean cut suit, his spiked styled hair and his piercing red eyes that never failed to weaken his knees. As he got closer, he realized how sharp his eye shape was and notice how he used eyeliner to do it. That alone made Kirishima smile brightly.


Katsuki had to reinforce his resolve to not bolt to Kirishima and kiss the hell out of him. Bakugou's eyes went wide when he saw how his groom looked up close. His eyelashes seemed darker and thicker, he noticed the slim line of red that made his eyes look impossibly brighter. The way his hair was unique and decorated and didn't fail to make Bakugou flustered as hell.

They held each other's hands and looked dreamily in each other's eyes. The priest babbled on, but Bakugou tuned out most of it. He repeated what he had to and it was only when the rings came when he broke from his fantasy. Kirishima put a ring on Bakugou and vise versa, the only difference was that Bakugou kissed Eijirou's hand after.

Then came the time to say their vows. Kirishima went first.

"Katsu, the first time I met you, I thought you were a huge, prideful jerk, but you were talented and determined and not to mention manly in my eyes. I don't regret working so hard to break down your walls, because I wouldn't be here today, with you in this place full of amazing people, marrying you. There are not enough words in the world to express how much I love you. How much I want to be in your arms and you in mine. I want to be by your side and protect you and fight for and with you until the day we die. And I promise you, no matter how much you curse at me, or how much you yell at me, I'll love you and support you."

     Kirishima had slight tears in his eyes while Bakugou thought he himself might burst into tears. He pressed his lips into a thin line before opening his mouth.

"Eiji... I still remember the first time we studied together. You were such a dumbass, but that was the first time I actually thought how adorable you were scribbling down everything I said. You were one out of very few people who managed to squirm your shitty self into my heart, and I'm thankful for that. I was too insecure to confess to you back in high school, and I didn't want to lose you when we ran into each other over a year and a half ago. You opened up your home to me after you stood up to me. We spent a month together and when you confessed to me in that shitty storage closet at that party, I thought I was dreaming. And when you proposed to me a few months ago after dating for a year, I couldn't help but say yes. I never, ever felt anything like this towards anyone before, so you opened my heart to a whole new and wonderful feeling. I love the hell out of you. I'll keep saying it over and over until you get tired of it, but I'll keep saying it. I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you down to the very atom of my body. I'm yours and yours forever and I would give my life up for you in a heartbeat, but I'll take you with me because I can't imagine my fucking life or afterlife without you."

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