Chapter Eleven - A Sort of Confession

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Kirishima threw a towel over his shoulders as he was walking back to his room. He exercised for half an hour before he felt his eyelids go heavy. He walked down the corridor to his room when he saw the guest room door open.

     Was that on purpose?

     He looked inside a spot a sleeping Bakugou. He's curled up in a fetal position and he's clutching a pillow to his chest. He looks like he's been... crying... Kirishima's heart broke at the thought before he shook it away.

     'I'm just imagining things.' He continued down to his room and close the door. It's almost one in the morning, but that won't stop hims from taking a shower to wash the stink away.

     He throws on a baggy shirt and sweatpants. The shower woke Kirishima up so he wasn't sleepy anymore.

     'I'll just get something to drink.'

     Eijirou headed back down the hallway, not even bothering to check on Bakugou. He grabbed a water bottle and chugged it and was about to throw it away before he heard a gasp. The only person in the house besides him was Baku-

     'Oh shit!' Kirishima sprinted to Bakugou's room, trying to be as quiet as he could. He found the guy muttering things incoherent to him. It just sounded like gibberish. Kirishima tiptoed into his room and sat on his bed.

     Bakugou was sweating profusely and he was clinching his pillow. His brows were furrowed and his eyes were squeezed shut. Eijirou placed his hand in his hair without thinking, ruffling the surprisingly soft tuffs.

     "I could've... saved them... damnit..." he muttered, a stray tear falling, and then another and another soaking his sheets which made the man freeze for a moment. 'What did that mean? Is he having a nightmare?'

     He stroked his bare arm, and continued to pet his hair, trying to calm him down. As soon as Kirishima's fingers touched his hand, his other one gripped his wrist. He stared widely in shock and snapped his gaze to meet puffy ones.

     "Why the fuck are you in here?" He whispered, pressing his lips together. Kirishima gently smiled at him.

     "I heard mumbling and saw that you were having a nightmare. So I was doing what my mom used to do for me." He grinned brightly, and Bakugou's grip loosened.

     "I was talking in my sleep?" He asked, a hint of panic heard in his voice.

     "I couldn't really make out what you were saying though." He lets go of Kirishima's wrist which allowed him to stand up. "I should let you-"


     "Huh?" Katsuki tugged his shirt looking down at his pillow.

     "Stay... until I fall back a-asleep," he requested, so softly that Kirishima didn't try to hide the surprise in his face.

     "Okay." He sat back down on the bed clueless, but then Bakugou squirmed and rested his head on his lap. Kirishima's hands instantly went to his hair and started playing with it. Katsuki shivered at his touch. 

     "Are you cold?" the redhead asked. Katsuki hesitantly nodded, a red tint flushing his face. "Here." He shifted and scooted towards the wall until his back hit a pillow and held up the blankets to let his legs slide in. Katsuki followed and climbed under the covers and placed his head on Kirishima's thigh once again. He seemingly nuzzled into the blankets, closing his eyes as Eijirou ran his fingers through his hair and twirled the soft locks between them.

     Kirishima couldn't help but smile, but his mind wondered back to endless questions. 'Why did he ask that earlier? Why was he crying? What was he dreaming? How is this happening?'

     "Kiri?" Bakugou softly mumbled. The other hummed in response. "Why did you think I was mad at you?"

     "You were grumpier than usual when I woke you up. And you seemed to get angrier when I teased you so I just assumed..." He trailed off and felt his smile falter.

     "I could never be mad at you, Kiri. You're too precious," Katsuki murmured, a small smile gracing his face. Kirishima's face flared up. "I'm sorry if I made you feel that way.  I tend to do that a lot," Katsuki admitted.  'What the fuck is he saying?'

     "Are you alright?" Eijirou asked a bit bewildered. Even though this Bakugou is absolutely adorable, it's not normal.

     "Yes. Better than ever, actually." He turned his head and Eijirou thought he was having a heart attack. Katsuki was smiling so warmly that there was nothing but innocence and purity in his red irises.

     Kirishima had to fight an overwhelming urge to kiss him right then smiled back his sweetest smile. "You always know how to make people feel better. Even if you feel like shit," Katsuki trailed. Eijirou pet his hair and the other turned his head to where his face was obscured "Thank you..." he grumbled before yawning, "Thank you for making me feel better." He froze.

And soon soft snores were heard coming from his mouth, indicating he was asleep. Eijirou could believe what he just heard, what he just saw! All of his feelings let loose inside of his chest, creating a passionate burning sensation throughout his body. And it felt good. He wanted more. Kirishima fell for him in high school and thought he couldn't fall any further. 'Well fuck, I was absolutely wrong.'

Eijirou studied his features. Katsuki was so adorable it wasn't even funny. His mouth was slightly open, exposing his white teeth. His face was relaxed and his cheeks were so chubby Kirishima wanted to slap him. He noticed a shiny bulb in his ear and his heart began to stutter. He had a fucking gold earring on his ear lobe, and shit, the urge to kiss him just grew stronger.

'Bakugou is NOT gay...maybe. He dated girls in high school. Even though, they broke up within the first week. I think his longest relationship was a month foremost, and that was when he was dating (Y/N). She was the only one who knew I had a crush on Bakugou and she taught me how to read people.'

Kirishima sighed, disappointed and remembering her death. She was on her internship and she got attacked by Stain, who cut her up so bad she bled to death. But if it wasn't for her, Shoto, Tenya and Izuku could've been killed as well. She was a true hero, and left a positive impact on everyone, even after death.

He shook his head before tears started to fall. 'I will not cry because she wouldn't want me too. Not after all these years. I should go visit her grave sometime.'

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes. He felt relaxed thinking about her, how she told him to go for it. Told him all the things that boosted his confidence. She was part of the reason why he had the courage to get through everything. 'She must've lended me her strength before she left because I feel stronger just thinking of our memories.'

Kirishima's mind roamed through every cranny he had in his brain, trying to think of the signs Bakugou was possibly showing him. But all of the words and pictures were hazy and he ended up falling asleep without realizing it.

Published May 25, 2019
Edited August 6, 2022

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