Chapter Sixteen- Horrid Confession

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You know what? I'm just gonna publish the next few chapters. I've been writing and editing nonstop and I have like 4 long ass chapters edited and ready to publish so imma just get em out.  Enjoy.

     "What is it?" Kirishima asked quietly, somehow keenly aware of Bakugou's every movement, even the smallest of adjustments. Bakugou ran a hand through his sweaty hair, now wishing he wore something much cooler than a long sleeved shirt and sweats. Oh well, better to be safe than sorry.

"It's about... the other day. You know, when I was being an ass." Bakugou shifted.

"When are you not being an ass?" Eijirou was preparing to have an explosion hit his face, but it never happened.

"True. But it was after the arcade shit." Bakugou was looking for any kind of understanding in Kirishima's face and when he got a nod, he went on. "Well... I'm ready to... to..." Bakugou ruffled his hair in fustration. "Damnit! How can I fucking say it?!"

"You're ready to talk about your feelings?" Kirishima let out a light chuckle.

"That's only half the battle. I need to tell you why I have these... feelings." The word felt so foreign to Bakugou, he almost mispronounced it. Kirishima nodded again.

"Okay, spill," he said, positioning himself in a comfortable way. He waited for a moment, and when Katsuki didn't speak he added, "I'm not gonna judge you because everyone makes mistakes, big and small. I'm not gonna act like I'm perfect because I'm not. Nobody is and whoever thinks they are is a fucking prissy bastard." Kirishima smiled at him for reassurance and that's all the other really needed.

"Okay...." He took a deep breath. "A few years ago, I was on a mission. We'd just got out of high school the year before, I think, so I was the new shit at the office and had the biggest fucking ego I've ever had." He waited for Kiri to stop giggling before continuing. "I was on a job. Where a lot of suicidal fuckers stirred up shit and civilian assholes didn't know how to get hell out of the way. I was fighting a couple of villains when I noticed a little girl with a teddy bear calling out for her mother." He clenched his teeth and looked down at his hands.

Kirishima placed a hand on his knee for comfort. "It's okay. Go on."

Another deep breath was caught in Katsuki's throat as he tried to force the tears back.

"I didn't pay attention to her because of my fucked up mindset. I thought that if I defeated more villains than anyone else I would be at the fucking top. I thought another hero would take care of it, but hell was I wrong. I heard a scream from a flaming building and the little girl shouted back and... must've ran into the burning house." He gulped. "I'd just finished duking it out with a villain when I noticed the little shit disappeared." He squeezed his eyes shut trying to keep the tears at bay, but it did no good.
"Her—Her name was As—Asaria and she—she went into the b-burning building to s-s-save her shi—shitty mom." He was a stuttering mess but he kept going and ignored the lump in his throat and the burning of his tearful eyes. "I-I couldn't save—I couldn't save either of them in time because that sh-shitty house fucking blew up!" His voice cracked multiple times and he just let it all out.

     Kirishima hugged Katsuki tightly as he cried on his shoulder. He clenched his shirt till his knuckles went white as he let the tears stain the redhead's shirt.

     "I'm so fucking worthless...a weak piece of shit asshole that can' a damn fucking thing right! I don't deserve to be a fucking hero! I don't deserve to even be called one! GOD DAMNIT!" He screamed and cried into Kirishimas chest. This was the first time he'd told anyone about what he was carrying. About what he was feeling. It felt nice, in a way.

The Way It Should Be {A KiriBaku Fanfic}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon