The wrath of tiger calw

Start from the beginning

"The girl has got to be Karai, Leo. I told you-"Raph but "Not now, Raph"I answer back at him. Raph glare at me then look away. "April's not answering her T-phone. She always answers"Donnie said as he cover his phone.

"We'll split up. Me, Alison and Donnie will go to April's place, you and Mikey get to the ice rink and warn Casey"Leo said as they left. "Why wouldn't she answer her phone?"Donnie said. "Come on, we better hurry"I said as we walk out.
"She's not answering. She always answers"her dad said. 

We arrive to her house but she wasn't there. "That's what I said!"Donnie said. "Kirby, you said she went to the movies. That's where we start"Leo said and he look at us. We nod and I look at her dad. 

"Don't worry. We will make sure she is safe and sound"I said as the turtle and he held my arm. "Thank you Alison. You are a good um magical person?"he said and I giggle. "Thanks. We be back before you know it"I said.
We look around the cinemas.

"There's April. Come on!"Donnie said and we jump on the roof. "Get away from her"I said as I made some elertic ball. "Leo, Alison, Donnie, wait. You have to listen to what she has to say"April said and we look at her.

"I believe you, Leonardo. I believe that Splinter is my true father"she said as I gasp. "I believe that she believes you"April said. "I believe...April"Donnie said and they look at me. "I trust whatever Leo think"I said.

"This-this is great. I knew you'd come around. We'll take you to the lair to see Master Splinter"Leo said as he hold Karai's hand and led her away. "Whew. Raph's not gonna believe this"Donnie said. "Tell me about it"I said.
"I don't believe this! What have you guys done?"Raph said.

We are back in the lair. "Casey!"April said as she walk toward him. "What world do you live in that it's okay to bring the princess of the foot clan to out secret lair?"Raph said. "What happened to Casey?"I said.

"Tiger Claw threw him off a building. And you just brought his partner in crime home for dinner"he said as I gasp in horror. "Shredder lied to me! I didn't know"she said. "Did you know that I'm about to stick this sai right up your-"Raph said but I cover his mouth.

"Raph, no! She understands now"I said and pet his head. He grab my arm, pulling me up and place me behind him. "She gets it. She knows the truth, Raph. Everything's gonna be fine"Donnie said and Raph growl at us. "Will you just listen?"Leo said.

"I've heard enough from you and your girlfriend. She's probably leading the Shredder here right now"Raph said and he push Raph back. "Enough!"Splinter said and we look at him. He gasp when he saw Karai. "Miwa"he said.

"Splinter"she said as she bow at him. "Come with me. You too, Alison"Splinter said and me and Karai look at each other. We nod and walk inside. She stop when she saw the tree. "Look awesome right?"I said and she chuckle.

"It is. It is beautiful"she said as I smile. "I retain very little from my old life, but this I will never let go my daughter"he said as he hand her a photo then he look at me. "And I keep hiding of what I knew of your mother"he said.

He hand me another photo and it show them, fighting with a wooden sword? He knew my mother? Before I was born. "I-I can't believe it. You're telling the truth. All these years, the Shredder has been lying to me"Karai said.

"And you never told me you taught my mother. Wait, you can't believe it?"I said. "I thought you did believe it. If you didn't believe it, why did you come down here?"Leo said as they all enter. "Father...What have I done?"she said. 

"You had to see with your own eyes. You had to learn the truth for yourself"he said. "You knew. You knew I was lying"She said. "No doubt the Shredder's forces are on their way"Splinter said. "What was that last part?"I said.

"Tiger Claw is tracking me"Karai said as I blink. "I told you!"Raph scream. "Karai!"Leo said. "There's no time to argue. I have to get out of here. I can-I can lead Tiger Claw away"She said. "Go, take Karai and watch over her. I will stay with April and attend to Casey"Splinter said.

We nod and left until someone took my hand. "You are who you choose to be, not what others make you"he said and we nod. "Some of us choose to be right all the time"Raph said. "Will you just go?"I said and we walk out. 
We ran to the tunnel.

We stop and caught our breath. "Well, princess? You got us into this. Where to?"Raph said as she look around. "I-I don't know"She said. "Everyone, stop! I know exactly where to go"Mikey sad, happily. "I feel scared"Donnie said.
I heard him entering the room. 

I close my eyes, touching my eyes lid softly. I open my eyes, making them bright yellow cat like. "I can't smell you, but I can hear you"he yelled. I giggle as I move quickly in the shadow. "Show yourselves!"He yelled.

He look and I stood up, in the dark. "You are not the turtle"he said and I giggle. "Nope but I can be your worst nightmare"I said in a childish voice then I went back in the shadow. "They're stalking me. Oof!"he said as one of them hit him.

"Are you afraid to face me? Ah!"he yelled as someone else hit him. He slice a piece of hanging meat and look around. "Are you afraid to fight me?"he said as we hide in different places. Raph came to hit him but Tigerclaw grab his leg.

He threw him to the wall and caught his sais. "Let us finish this"he said as he walk back. We look at each other and walk out. He is a mutate cat? "He is so cute!"I said as I clap my hand and my eyes transform back.

They all look at me. I did a fake cough and went to fighting position. We all stare at each other. The light turn off and we disappear and the saw made a noise. He look around and the other attack. I stay and put my hand out.

I threw some fire ball at him which he doge them. I saw some of them flying and I used my magic to put them back on their feet. I scream as I made a diamond sign with my finger. I push and he doge it. He threw the sais at me and I was caught,

"Bad kitty!"I yelled as I try to escape. "Karai, would you like the honor of finishing him?"Tigerclaw said. "No!"I yelled. She look at me as I pout. "I have no honor. But that's about to change"She said.

She attack but he won this battle. She fell down and the sais fell down. I growl as I allow my wolf ears and tail appear. I float up the the air and all the metal float up. "Alison?"Donnie said as Tigerclaw float up.

"If you value her life, do not take another step or attack me with your magic"he said and I growl. I will stop. "Alison"Leo said as someone hold my hand. I float down as I look at Leo. I sigh and everything gently went on the ground.

"Just as I thought"Tigerclaw said then he look at me. "You! Come with me"he said. "Why should I?"I said. "You are powerful and you deserve to be something better. You should join us"he said as I lower my dagger.

"Alison!"Leo said and I look at them. "I am sorry"I said and walk toward him. He chuckle as I look down. "Sister, how could you?"Mikey said as Tigerclaw left. "Don't worry. I be back. I promise"I said then ran after him.
I walk toward Shredder.

"She has betrayed you, Master Shredder. She fought alongside the Turtles"Tigerclaw said as he threw her on her knee. "Tell me the truth! Splinter is my father, isn't he?"She said. "Yes. Hamato Yoshi is your true father"he said.

So he lied to her. "What?"she said then look down. "What about her?"he said as he point at me. "She has power and I believe she is really valuable to our team. She betrayed the turtles"he said as Shredder glare at me.

"I will trust her for now. We will test her loyalty"he said as I sigh. He didn't kill me. "Tiger Claw, take her away"he said as he took her away. He lock her in the cell. "No. No! No! What are you doing? Nooo!"she said as we walk away.

I am so sorry my loved one

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