50. Broken Promise

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'You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens'
Mandy Hale


"Where are we...?" Sousuke's voice was muffled and raspy as he carefully propped his body upright. His green eyes scrutinized, fixating themselves to the odd room around them.

"I think we fell through a hole," Katsura replied, glancing around also. She got up to her feet, trying to adjust herself to the darkness that left her in a state of unease.

"A hole?" Sousuke repeated, doing the same. "Did Ryuu come too?"

"I don't think so," Katsura murmured, her voice echoing. "But we fell quite the distance."

Sousuke shifted his head upwards, trying to discern the hole they fell from but everything was shrouded in the darkness so it was impossible. "That idiot," he grumbled, gritting his teeth. "This is why we told him to stop fooling around."

"What's done is done," Katsura told him with a gulp. "Let's just try to find a way back up. I have a bad feeling about this."

Sousuke swallowed hard, feeling the same. Side by side, they carefully stepped forward. Though, with them not being able to see anything, they had no idea what kind of dangers they would encounter.

"Be sure to stay on guard," Katsura warned as she held out her hands so that she could feel around instead of just walking straight into anything.

"I am— oomph!"

"What happened?" Katsura instantly asked, her eyes darting around. Her heart rate picked up as she couldn't see what had occurred.

"I bumped into something," Sousuke replied, rubbing his nose as he backed away. Extending his hand, he felt around only to touch something that felt like concrete.

Katsura eventually touched what he was, furrowing her eyebrows. "It's a wall, most likely."

"That doesn't take a genius to figure that out," Sousuke snorted.

Katsura was quiet. After a couple seconds of unease, Sousuke swallowed hard. He had no idea what kind of look Katsura was giving him, but he did not want to find out.

He coughed to fill the silence. "Since it's a wall... then that must mean there's a door," Sousuke pointed out.

"Probably," Katsura instantly agreed. "A door must be attached to the wall. And if we're in a room, we just need to follow it around until we find it."

"Got it." Sousuke nodded. "You go left and I'll go right."

Katsura hesitated. "All right," she agreed reluctantly. "But do not unhand the wall under any circumstances. In this darkness, it'll take a while to find it again."

"You don't even have to tell me." Sousuke smiled. "Unlike a certain idiot, I won't stray."

No words left Katsura's mouth and just like that, the two began their rounds around, patting down the walls as they walked. When Katsura made her way around, she hadn't bumped into anything nor felt anything other than the dusty walls. Sousuke, on the other hand, ran his fingers over a strange metallic surface and his eyes lit up at the small cracks between every centimeter.

"I think I found a vent!" he cried out.

Katsura's face brightened at the news. "We can most likely use it to get upstairs."

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