32. The Cold-Hearted Senior

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'Nothing can last forever. There isn't any memory, no matter how intense, that doesn't fade out at last'
— Juan Rulfo



Kazuma Kurosaki's calculative stare strung anxiety throughout every bone in Tadashi's body. He found it hard to even muster a breath— a thought— all due to his pounding heart, and also because of his glued gaze on his glowing eyed senior. The shock was enough to block everything out.

"She's an android," Kazuma said again, glancing at a booting up Ayame. "A robot wearing human skin," he clarified. "A junk of only metal and computers. Whatever you want to clarify an android as, that's what she is."

Tadashi's blood ran cold as the remembrance of the sensation of Ayame's body came back to him. Cold... is that why it was cold...

Without warning, a ding! resounded from Ayame and the aesthetic glow in her eyes died down, leaving her body in its original state. "Reloading complete."

The white-haired female blinked wearily at first—in an act to adjust—before snapping open completely. Her cold violet eyes scanned Tadashi at first, as if processing his appearance and features into memory.

"...You're not in my database." She furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head. "May I ask for your name?"

Tadashi's eyes enlarged. His mouth was hanging open in great surprise as he wasn't being able to process her words at all. No, he couldn't believe them.

His name?

She didn't know it...?

Knowing how flabbergasted Tadashi's current state was, Kazuma stepped before the female, blocking off her vision of him. He stared down at her, frowning.

"Even though it's a protocol to keep you from overheating and powering off forever, losing all your data as well is troublesome. You're going to be useless from now on."

Ayame narrowed her eyes at the character, before her eyes lit up with slight recognition. "Are you my—"

"Come with me," Kazuma cut her off, spinning around. He closed his eyes in thought. "Let's see how much you can memorize by tomorrow. As it is now, you won't even be able to be go to school."


Ayame rose to her feet accordingly. Her icy cold expression never wavered, and her purple hues reflected her stone-cold self, immune to all problems and tragedies thrown her way. And yet they radiated the innocence and curiosity to learn everything she possibly could.

Kazuma exited the room at that, followed by an inexpressive Ayame.

Tadashi held out his hand in a fast attempt to stop her. "Kobayashi—"

Without sparing him a single glance, Ayame pushed the door behind her closed, silencing the teen instantly.

Truly pained, Tadashi's felt a lump in his throat as he swallowed hard. He hadn't seen her like that before... It wasn't the first time she was this cold to him and everyone else, but right now was different.

He clenched his fists so tightly, his palms went as white as snow. He gritted his teeth in frustration.

There was no way this was happening...

Occurrence... after occurrence... after occurrence... after...

Standing within the spacious room all alone, Tadashi pulled his fingers through his hair, clutching and pulling it in apprehension.

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